Friday 02.14.14

“Love It”

5 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
21 Deadlifts, 60 lbs

Compare to 02.14.13

Happy Valentine’s Day Mamas!


  1. Got dressed to do this outside because it's warmer than it has been (28 degrees) and I started running on pavement then almost wiped out from ice in driveway. I went in and did yesterday's WOD.

  2. 20:53
    Outside run…but had to go slow bc of ice in patches and it was dark outside.
    Then had to run inside and downstairs to get to weights
    45# (I'm excited to finally get here and not feel any problems!)

    Happy Friday and Valentine's Day!

  3. 15:16. I subbed 250 single jumprope for the running because of icy roads.

    Here is our Spotify HiitMama's Burpee playlist! It's pretty diverse, but I think a lot of fun. Sorry if you recommended an 'explicit' song, but I didn't add those due to a lot of us working out the presence of children.

    If you have a favorite workout song you'd like to add, leave it in the comments today and I'll throw it in.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. 17:54
    200-250 Jr in place of run
    #30 DL so I did 42 each round

    Thanks Stephanie for the playlist!! Its awesome!

  5. 15:54
    Outside workout as rx'd. I've felt really sluggish the past few days when working out. Hope it goes away soon!

  6. 16:48
    80lb for 3 rounds, 90 for 2 rounds

    Great playlist! I'm about to do 30 burpees to it! 🙂

  7. 17:44 as rx'd

    Work out to "Pop and Hip Hop Power Workout Radio" on Pandora. Plug my Kindle into my Jambox and my cell phone keeps my time while I run on my treadmill. Yay for technology.

    Also going to start adding burpees at the end of my workouts. Love that idea!

  8. 21:29
    Subbed running for 100 jumping jacks and 10 burpees
    55# DL
    Happy Valentine's day mamas!!!

  9. 9:58
    Ran in place for a minute on each round
    45# bar for deadlifts

  10. 20:10
    65# deadlifts
    Slower than I would like, but still trying to get over a cold.

  11. 19:24
    Hurtin' today!
    50# DL With two weights in each hand which I find awkward, so about 30 were 30#
    Last two runs slow- dizzy today

  12. 17:50
    Outside workout (still dodging a little ice and felt tired)

  13. 18:28
    Kids in and out of the room
    Concentrated on form for DL.

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