Friday 01.10.14


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
15 Butterfly sit-ups
21 Deadlifts, 60-80 lbs

Post rounds completed to comments.

HIIT Mama Monica
“I am a 42 yr old working mom of a 19 yr old daughter and 14 yr old son.
I have always struggled to get back in shape, trying different diets
and and never sticking with it.  Our mutual friend Cesca introduced me
to Hiit Mamas and the Vi shakes.  Its been the best decision I ever
made.  The workouts are amazing and time friendly! I LOVE the shakes and
my new healthy eating lifestyle.  I have more energy than ever.  I have
dropped 11 lbs, waist from 34 to 31 and thighs from 26 to 24!  Its a
lifestyle for me now so I’ll be continuing the challenges! ? Thank you
for the time you put into the blog, it’s changed my life for the better.” -Monica


  1. Awesome job Monica!!!

    12 rounds with 3 seconds to spare. 60 lbs
    I was glad to be done with this one!!

    Happy Friday!

  2. Monica, you inspire me. What wonderful progress!

    9 rounds & 15 BSU

    My legs are vibrating. 21 is a very large number!

  3. 12 rds plus 13th rd of bsu
    Only 20lb weights….need to get some heavier ones.
    Great wo! Glad it is Friday 🙂

  4. Was hoping for 10 rounds, but I made it to 9 rounds plus 14 sit-ups. 60lb deadlifts. Those were brutal!

  5. 9 rounds before Baby decided he had had enough of entertaining himself, then realized I only had about 3 min left, coulda fit in another. 65#.

    Monica, that's excellent, way to go!

  6. 8 rounds plus sit-ups and 2 deadlifts.
    First 5 rounds 75# and 3 rounds 65#.

    4 mile run
    30 burpees

    Keep up the good work Monica!

  7. 10 rounds and 12 sit-ups
    1st round 20# the rest rotating 10# and 5#

  8. Hiit mamas northglenn
    Good job holly!
    Shawntae 11 1/2
    Lauren 7 1/2
    Courtney 5 with 8 minute nursing break:)
    Karissa 7 with kid breaks
    Sharadee 10 1/2

  9. 12 rounds plus 15 sit ups
    Only 30# dead lifts. Back still healing

  10. 8 rounds + 15 bfsu
    (I finished the last 21 deadlifts after the timer went off to make it an even 9 rounds.)

    Alternating between 80/90/100lbs (3 rounds of each)

    Any advice on grip for deadlifts? I always seem to hurt my wrists when I do a lot of them. I wear gloves and I even started wearing those tennis style wristbands which help a lot, but bigger dumbbells seem to really poke my wrists and be harder to grip onto.

  11. 9 full rounds just as timer went off, 60# DL

    Gave my 8 year old her own WOD and she did 9 rounds too (20 jump jacks, 5 BPU, 2pull ups-she's awesome and does them full up unassisted, 5 squats, 5 bicep curls 5# each arm).

  12. Subbed 1 min planks for each 15 bfsu.

    4 rounds in 10 mins, then had to quit. Still recovering from sore throat and cold . No workout last 2 days.

    50# DL

  13. 9 rounds plus 6 bfsu
    60# deadlift

    I feel like I could have done better, but my grip/forearms got really tired. I had to set the bar down a few times before it dropped. Any advice?

  14. 9 rounds!! Then my body went limp noodle with 7 seconds left. Woohoo!
    Deadlifts were with 60 lb resistance bands.
    Once I recover for a bit it's time to hoop dance! Yay!

  15. 7 rounds plus 10 bsu
    5rounds with 50# dead lift then switched to 40# because my left wrist was painful.

    Awesome results!! I love seeing these pictures!

  16. Andrews family – I feel like I'm having the same problem. My legs felt like they could do more, but I kept stopping because my grip kept sliding and the weights kept poking into my wrists. I think I need to find a way to work on strengthening my grip. I found this article and it talks about increasing grip strength. It might help, especially #1.

    Monica – You're stomach is so much flatter!

  17. 9 rounds plus sit-ups and 12 dl on round 10
    75# dl
    Ran/ walked 30 minutes
    20 burpees

  18. 12 rounds plus BFSU and 6 DL.
    60# DL. Grip strength started weakening at round 7, enough that I had to stop and stretch my wrist. Need to work on that.

  19. 9 rounds plus 15 bfsu
    Did 42 dead lifts each round since only using #30

  20. 10 rounds plus 1 bsu
    Deadlifts with 52 lbs bar

  21. Way to go Monica!

    6 rounds w/ 45#, the dead lifts were rough

  22. Holy Guacamole!

    Ran a mile to warm up.

    10 Rounds plus BSU + 11 Deadlift
    First five rounds did 80 lb Barbell
    Rest 65 lb Barbell

    Ran 2 miles – 15:50
    Will do 15 Burpees when I can move again.

    Awesome progress Monica!

  23. 8 rounds with 40# deadlift
    Had 45 sec left so I planked the remainder of time

  24. Did 10 minutes of five rounds of 30lb deadlifts

    Then did 5 rounds of 15 sit-ups and 5 15lb arm curls

  25. 10 rounds + all bfsu's and 5 dead lifts on round 11
    with 60lb dead lift
    Tough one on Friday evening, but good one!

  26. 12 rds in 20:05 (I just had to do those last 2 DL)
    65# rds 1-6, 50# rds 7-12

  27. 12 rounds
    First 4 rounds 75# deadlifts
    Last 8 rounds 65# deadlifts.

    @AndrewsFamily- I switched my grip up each time. Overhand, underhand, and one hand over, one hand under. It helped, but at the end that was what I struggled with most as well. My forearms wanted to give out.

    My lower back has been vibrating ever since. Totally brutal workout!

  28. 9 rounds+all the way through to 9 dl. 65# dl.
    Kendra 6 rounds, 10# dl

  29. 9 plus 15 BFSU
    50# for half of DL, 30# for half
    Using 2 weights in each hand for 50 kept sclipping
    Chopped ice on driveway for an hour today, arms are toast!

    Other fun fact: my husband likes to play around and tries to get me to piggy back him. I used to yelp after 2 seconds and definitely couldn't walk with him on me (200 lbs) but he did it today and I ran laps in the basement with him, so I must be getting stronger!

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