
Monday 12.16.13

Chris Loves Jenni

3 rounds for time of:
7 Push-ups
21 Dumbbell thrusters, 20 lbs total

Compare to 12.16.11 and 01.30.13

Happy 13 Year Anniversary to Us! 
 Best 13 years of my life, hands down, and they just keep getting better.


  1. 3:23
    30 lb thrusters
    Still trying to catch my breath and loving it!!!

    Happy Anniversary!!

  2. 3:48
    Looked easy…WRONG!
    Hit my head with weight- ouch!

  3. 3:37
    All bpu and all with 20lb dumbells.
    Whew!! Beat my time from last time by over a minute!!

  4. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! I am loving this blog; thank you!

    I used two 10# dumbbells. The 20# means total weight, right? Or am I supposed to use two 20# dumbbells?


  5. 3:41 yes, to clarify, does 20# mean total or single dumbbell weight? I used 10#ers tot total 20

  6. 3:51
    I used a total of 20#
    Happy anniversary! I agree, the 10 years I've been married have been the best and just keep getting better!

  7. 3:02
    Boy push-up on rounds 1 & 3. On round 2 I did 4 boys/3girls
    Thrusters as rx'd

  8. 13:59 as rxd. Rounds 1&2 were split with 800 m runs. Don't think I'm a badass….this week is a travel week for me and I know from here out Ill have cobbled together, body weight only workouts at ridiculous hours.

  9. 3:46
    30# thrusters
    Whew! That one had me winded and just a smidge nauseous.

  10. 6:03 bpu. Push press mod. Happy anniversary! December is a great time to get married (we are the 12th)!

    1. Plus 800 m run in 4:55. Trying to run faster…glad it was under 5
      Happy anniversary!!

  11. Happy Anniversary!

    3:30, no weights as they weren't available, GPU.

  12. 4:50
    25 lb bar
    Boy and incline push-ups. Touching chest
    Rowed 5 miles
    Happy Anniversary!!!!

  13. 3:12, Happy Anniversary! Thanks so much for this awesome website 🙂

  14. 2:44 as RX'd – way harder than I thought I would be..short but really intense – loved it!

  15. 3:51. 40lbs for 1st round, then 24lbs for 2nd and 3rd. And 1 mile run

  16. 2:58
    30# thrusters. Should be illegal to get that winded in such a short time!

    Happy Anniversary!!

  17. 4:11. What a cute picture Jenni! Your family is adorable. Happy anniversary!

  18. Ran 1 mile warm up.

    3:27 w/ 25 Lb Bar for thrusters and BPU.

    Then ran sprints for 3 miles finishing in 21:49.

  19. 4:50
    Shouldn't have taken a 2-3 week break. OUCH!
    Could have been faster, first time doing dumbbell thrusters.

  20. 5:41 as rx'd
    Tough after being sick and off one week…again. 2nd time in 1 month:( Feel like I am losing muscle.

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