
Friday 11.15.13


3 rounds, 21-15-9 reps, for time of:
Thrusters, 20 lbs (total)

It will look like this:
21 Thrusters
21 Push-ups
15 Thrusters
15 Push-ups
9 Thrusters
9 Push-ups
repeat entire thing 2 more times.

Compare to 03.14.13 (with sit-ups)

Post time to comments.



  1. 13:29
    25#, boy pu 1st rd then girl
    Great week, Jenni!
    Happy Friday!

  2. 12:35
    Holy arms!!
    All reg push ups
    I agree…great week of workouts! I feel great!!

  3. 13:40 with 30 lb thrusters. This kicked my butt and so did the cold I ended up with yesterday.
    So I ask myself why did I use 30 lbs??!!!
    Happy Friday!!!

  4. 13:32
    30# butt to ground thrusters
    Compared to 10:40 with 20# thrusters and wasn't full squats.

  5. 8:54
    Girl push-ups
    20# as rx'd

    I only did 2 rounds

  6. 11:55
    Girl push-ups and 20# as rx'd

    Went ahead and did 4 rounds which was really tough and ended at 16:27.

    Great week of workouts. Looking forward to monday!

  7. 16:17 compared to 17:19 (with sit ups)
    All boy push ups

  8. 13:15. I have done double workouts the past two days, and I almost gave up after the first round because my arms were burning sooo bad. However, my lovely 8 year old daughter who was working out with me convinced me to persevere. Ouch!

  9. 12:30. 10 lb thrusters. Arms were jelly so on the 21 and 15 I did sit ups and on the 9 I did push ups.

  10. 12:43- That was tough- I took a few breaks but did all boy push ups

    Then followed this workout with the one from 10.30.13- I seriously wanted to quit 10 times. But, I finished in 19:56 (3 minutes slower) – but I think it was because my legs were jelly from the squats.

    Either way- I feel good today! Have a great weekend!

  11. 11:45
    40lbs for 1/3, 30lbs for the rest
    My push ups got pretty weak about halfway through, but I did all regular pu.
    Woah that was rough but I feel good!

  12. 12:32 – 1st 21 bpu's, the rest gpu's. Shaky, shaky arms, but feel great! =)

  13. Did thurs wod then this but forgot to start timer until after the first 21s then got cofused after 1st round & stopped timer took break then read wod again, realized there were 2 more rounds so overall guess is 12min total.

  14. Did thurs wod then this but forgot to start timer until after the first 21s then got cofused after 1st round & stopped timer took break then read wod again, realized there were 2 more rounds so overall guess is 12min total.

  15. 13:35
    Tabata warmup on treadmill 10 mph.
    Did first 21 with 20#, then had to switch to 16# on 21's and 15's used 20# on 9's

  16. 12:49
    16# thrusters

    Glad I had all 3 kids (5, 3, and 2 months) cheering me on! Almost gave up.

  17. wow glad I posted tonight realized even after reading explanation I did it wrong. Back to the trenches I've got two more rounds to do!

  18. 15:21 as rx'd wow ouch sure to feel this workout over the weekend! It will feel GREAT and like PROGRESS.

  19. 13:56. First round was all bpu second and third rounds were all gpu.

    Did a 20 minute hiit treadmill workout after

  20. 10:29
    BPU first set of 21
    GPU the rest
    Been painting a lot so arms were cashed. Hoping for more bpu's next time!

  21. 16:43
    Arms are toast!
    Better form with thrusters
    Only had time for 2 km run

  22. Misread this and only did 1 round in 3:26. Baby steps, gotta get back into working out!

  23. 12:01

    Had to cheat on 3rd round because my arms were toast. Used only 10lbs for thrusters, and did sit-ups instead of the 21 push-ups…all other push-ups in that last round I did as prescribed.

  24. 16:33 as rx'd. Took many breaks and folded laundry while I as resting haha! Now that's multi-tasking!

  25. 14:14 Not bad for taking 3 months off! Never again… Time to hiit it up again! Thanks for these workouts- there's nothing quite like them!! 😀

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