
Wednesday 11.13.13

21-15-9 reps of:
Deadlift, 40-60 lbs
Front squat, 40 lbs

Compare to 07.03.13

Post time to comments.

no caffeine
no soda 
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake 


  1. 3:33 15 lb. med ball – accidentally did 21-21-9 on deadlift

  2. 4:11 40 lb dl (the most I have still)
    Compared to 4:46

  3. 5:50

    45# for both

    Decided to continue down the rabbit hole and added 6 and 3 reps and found myself at 6:52. Still feeling strong so went for DL max.

    145# DL

  4. 3:33 45# for all
    And I thought I was already sore from the last two days…

  5. 3:38
    20# altogether for everything. Deep squats.

  6. Hiit mamas northglenn
    Sharadee 45# each 3:40
    Shawntae 45/53 2:33
    Lauren 40/53 5:49
    Karissa 40/53 2:54
    Ann 35/45

  7. 4:10 50lb on both. Last time 5:16 with 55 lb on both. I think there may be some improvement on that one, even with the weight being slightly less.

  8. Ok, did one more round. 4:05 this time! Still 50 lbs. I am shaking from head to toe.

  9. 3:44- reduced DL weight to 20 lb for preggo modification.

    Any other suggestions to modify DL for pregnancy?

    1. I would do leg presses from your hands and knees, pressing your leg up with a bent leg, to work your butt

  10. 30 min. run/walk while pushing my 2 kiddos in double stroller.

    75# DL
    50# front squat

    My time was slower than last time, but I increased my weight by 45# in dealifts and 20# in front squats.

  11. 4:24
    60# DL, 50# squats.
    Only had a 50# dumbell which was challenging, but I wanted to push myself today. All butt to ground and my legs are shaky

  12. 4:29, 40 lbs for both

    + 10 minutes of interval sprints

  13. Tabata warmup
    38.6# DL
    20# FS for better form

  14. Didn't do this one today. Did my DH's WOD with him today.
    Run 800 meters
    15 K2E
    Run 800 meters
    30 Leg Raises
    Run 800 meters
    2 minute plank
    Run 800 meters
    2 minute plank
    28:00 total. So much fun doing WOD together today.

  15. 60:45, 60 #'s for all. Was too much weight to hold in a front squat, so I put it on my shoulders. I know that changes the position, but I didn't want to take the time to change weights.

  16. 4:17, compared to 5:00 last time
    30# on all, 10# increase on front squats compared to last time.

  17. 5:55 40#s for all. DL's still bother my lower back-can't figure out what I'm doing wrong!

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