
Friday 11.08.13

3 rounds for time of:
10 Push-ups
33 Butterfly sit-ups
75 Squats

Compare to  09.30.13

Happy Friday from the men of you-know-what!
It’s a beautiful sunset, isn’t it? 😉


  1. 12:23
    Can't get under 12 min for the life of me….third time doing this WOD

  2. 15:14
    Arms crossed for bsu and almost butt to floor for first rep of squats. Next two were a little higher.

  3. 16:41 vs. 12:30 and 11:38
    Worked extra hard to be parallel or lower on each squat unlike other two times.
    Read that a sore tailbone is from moving too much during bsu, so I went extra slow and tried to keep my core engaged the whole time. No sore tailbone!! Yay!
    One regular push up per round-rest mpu

  4. Third time doing this workout and cut my time by a full minute! 10:36 with Armst crossed on sit ups and bpu. Woohoo, happy Friday

  5. 9:46 as rx'd
    Took 3 sec off my time! Legs are jello after this week. One day I will get butt to floor squats 🙂

  6. 10:52
    Girl push-ups
    Tried to push my squats on getting lower

  7. 12:21
    Butt to floor squats and arms crossed on BFSU. Last time was 9:46, I'm guessing the arms crossed is what slowed me down. Either way, great workout!

  8. 19:43…man! after looking at everyone's times, I was slow! BSU's really slowed me down! Need to work on my core strength! Also had a few kid distractions which soaked up some time…

  9. pull up for push up
    40 sit ups on bench where you get bak to incline position. Gfd sit-ups or something.

  10. 18:05 gpu, all bfsu (instead of crunches), regular squats. KILLER!

  11. 13:55, slower time by 1:30, I could feel it was slower my legs are really sore.

  12. 10:52 no butt to the floor, but I'm getting there!!

  13. 10:33
    Assisted (feet under dresser) Sit-ups

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