Rounds | Uncategorized | WOD
Monday 10.14.13
3 rounds for time of:
Run 500 meters
30 Thrusters, 20lbs
15 Push-ups
Compare to 05.09.13
Happy Birthday
to my beautiful sister, Britta!
Hiit Mama Britta
Keller, TX
My awesome sister is a 31 year old mother of almost 3, she is currently 6 months pregnant. She has been with me since I started this site and has a rockin’ body to prove it. She is a half-marathon runner and beats most of the boys in her age category. I aspire to run as fast as her but for now I will praise her for the amazing person that she is.
no caffeine
no soda
no soda
12:38 as RX'd
(Hands out last time, hands in this time on push-ups)
13:21 as rx'd
20 bpu's the rest gpu's
Laundry jugs for thrusters
.80 total miles
around 16 min (paused the timer and forgot to start it again)…was in the middle of the last round of thrusters when Baby woke up so I didn't quite finish. Alternated running and walking every 100m. 30# for almost all thrusters, gpu
Happy Birthday Britta! From Glen Rose, TX!
17:18 compared to 18:28
All boy push ups
Ran/walked 500m
30# thrusters
10 bpu rest gpu
I have been 'lurking' on this blog for too long…time to be honest and post my times. heehee!
12:52 with 30# thrusters
Rest as rx'd
Ran 3 miles before.
20:31 slow but it will get better !!!
Ran 3 miles before then 11:58 as rxed
Just realized it was 30 thrusters each round – I only did 20
13:06 as rxd
gpu, thrusters consisted of 10 with 45lb bar and 20 with 10lb hand weights each set. Need to get some 15lbs.
First ran 5 miles pushing my 1 year old in our big double stroller. Rarely do I run while pushing a stroller, so it was a challenge.
Then skipped the running for this wod and just did 3 rounds of thrusters and push-ups.
25# thrusters
15:48 Doubled the distance for the bike on each round instead.
Ran 4 miles
35lb thrusters
Boy push ups
20:55 (500 m, 50# x30 squats, 20 bpus) x 3. I know the mathmatical notation is off, but i hope its clear.
20:08 gpu
I'm one of those that has been following this blog on and off for a while. I didn't officially join the 90 day challenge, but I was frustrated last winter that I didn't stick to any real training. I'm determined to join you ladies every day for the next 90 days(well, 83 now 😉 ). I'm confident that I'll be in great shape to start my race training in January!
Alright, my time was 12:32
Subbed jump rope for run, so each round was 250 jumpropes. Also started out w/ 30 lb thrusters and quickly went down to 20 lbs. If we do 15 thrusters or less in a row I can up the weight. Feeling good about the workout, as I finished I was cursing under my breath at how tough it was.
Subbed 40 wall balls (10 lb) for run. 8:16
17:16 girl push ups
15:11 with 25lbs all boy pushups. Was trying for under 15.
Butt to floor thrusters
15 minutes on Elliptical instead of 500 meter run.
16:07 as rx'd w/GPU
compare to 5/9/13
18:14 as rx'd w/ BPU
21 mins. GPU. Juice bottles for thrusters.
Subbed 800 meters for run
25# bar
17:47 Increased distance on last round to make run 1 mile even.
25# thrusters
all boy pus (strait through for the 2nd and 3rd round of push ups, no downward doggie in b/w!!!)
15:55 I am not sure if I am running the "meters" right. I ended up running 2.3 miles all together. I am unsure how to convert it. But everything else was rx'ed
3 Rounds
40 Wall Balls 10# (bronchitis)
30 Thrusters 20#
15 Push Ups
15:16 as Rxd. Mostly all girl push-ups. Then RPM.
12:48 bpu + gpu, 20# push press (confused them with thrusters) run as rx'd
4 sec faster lol but did as rxd
Then ran rest to finish 2.5 miles
Finally got to it today.
13:07 treadmill and gpu. Did do 5# db for 15 reps in second round the rest were as rx'd
4:13 for 3rd round. Forgot to start timer
Jumped rope for 2:15 instead of run
Else as rx'd
Was traveling yesterday so did this workout 10/15 instead. 17:15 as compared to my last time of 18:10. Woohoo!
20:10 as rxd
Ran on the treadmill, all boy push-ups
Treadmill. All Bpu!!
Well I just realized why I felt my time was slow in comparison, I did squat clean thrusters instead of regular thrusters.
40# (total) thruster for 15x
Boy pu
17:17. This one is deceiving because you're thinking "oh this will be a piece of cake". I was dying by round two!
16:09 compared to 11:06 5/13 (but ran stairs 10 times last time d/t rain and all bpu this time)
16:26, 25#, all bpu
Compared to 18:26
18:29 as RX'ed
Pat – 16:08 #45
Maria – 16:10 #25
17:47. 🙂 Blessings!