Friday 10.11.13

4 rounds for time of:
20 Box jumps, 18 inch box
20 Burpees
20 Squat cleans, 20 pounds

Compare to 08.15.13

Post time to comments.


  1. 16:12 as RX'd

    Great Job Erin Gray! I'm great with 18" box – cannot imagine 24" box

    Have a great weekend girls!
    Thank you all for the sweet comments yesterday!

    Donna and Julie- I'm just so happy you joined me in my beloved misery so we can whine together 🙂

  2. 16:16- but all 18' jumps this time and burpees with push-ups

    Great job this week Mamas!!

    Denise- glad to be with you on this journey :). So much easier to whine with someone!

  3. 21:06 compared to 22:44
    15" box compared to 12"
    35# compared to 25#
    Happy Friday!

  4. 18:50 compared to 21:05
    25# squat cleans

    Also did Wednesdays and Thursdays wod before this one.

  5. Shawntae 16:01 in Mexico! (And yes the whole resort gym got to see my box jump mommy pee spot:)

  6. 20:27 as rx'd
    I told myself no matter how long it took me I was going to do every burpee as rx'd this whole challenge.
    Used kitchen chair for box jumps. First time doing an 18 in jump 🙂

  7. 15:12
    30# squats first round then switched to 20# for rest
    15" box
    30 sec faster than last time 🙂

  8. I kicked my old time's ass! 14:51 compared to 17:15. Beast mode was most definitely engaged today. That's how I like to start the weekend.

  9. 15:26. Getting so much better at burpees!


  10. 2.7 miles
    Random Prgm./Level 6
    Speed: 5 /5.5/6
    Intervals: 4m/ 4m/ 2m

    R1/24" box; R2-4 18" box
    burpees – reach up to plank
    R1/30#, R2/24#, R3&4/20#

    Whoa! Good job, girls!!!
    ~ Thanks, Jenni!!!

  11. 13:02 6 inch box jump (knee) I beat my old time which was only floor jumps. That time was 15:25. By body is getting healthier!

  12. 18:57
    30# SC, 4 seconds faster than last time. Today was a mental struggle for me, just wasn't into it, but I finished!

  13. 20:30

    This one really hurt so good. Super excited to rest for the weekend. My caffeine headache is finally gone!

  14. 17:05 and that includes like 3 minutes total of rest. This wod SLAYED me! I ate so poorly yesterday and I can completely tell. This was definitely motivation to reduce my sugar intake. I am beat!

  15. 7:55
    Only 2 Rounds this morning and lungs are still burning from nasty cold…. Look forward to trying this again. My box jumps were on a 6" box and I never plan to jump any higher. Two times is enough to know how hard everybody is working!

  16. 13:00. Did regular squats instead of squat cleans. Oops.

    Ran 1 mile to gym to do WoD then ran 1 mile back home

  17. 18:15 compared to 18:20. 5 secs faster but ill take it! Hate burpees & box jumps! Gets me so light headed!

  18. 28:20
    21" box jump.
    GPU with each burpee (no letting full body lay on the floor)
    45# bar. Did first two rounds squat clean and second two rounds front squats.
    OMG… I am dying.

  19. Oh and did this one Sat. Then 2 mile run. Fri went for walk.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadian Mamas!

  20. Wow! This was a great workout. 21 min. Did 20 burpees first set, then 10 on each additional set. I'm loving these workouts!

  21. Took a few rest days this past week so I finished this week's workout today. This WOD was tough but it will only get better!!

    17:07 w/ 14" box jumps and only did 10 burpees

  22. 11.22
    Just jumped high as I could in the air instead of box jumps.

  23. 19:54, with jump up burpees to plank, 10" box jumps, and 10# dumbbells. Blessings!

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