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Wednesday 10.09.13


3 rounds for time of:
Run 300 meters
20 Wall ball shots, 10 lb ball
10 Push-ups

Compare to 07.18.13

Hiit Mama Katie
“This is my second 90
day challenge and I am hooked! I can’t thank you enough for the awesome
workouts! (My husband probably wants to thank you too, haha.) I lost another
1/2 inch off of my chest, waist and my hips and 3 more pounds. I’m so much
better about eating clean, but I don’t care about calories or stress out about
cheat meals like I used to. I’m now just happy with my healthy lifestyle and I
feel much more confident. When I look in the mirror, I don’t see every little
flaw anymore. I see someone who works hard, takes care of herself, and can run
faster and lift way heavier than she ever thought she could!”
no caffeine


  1. Can anyone suggest a substitute exercise for the wall ball? I have literally no equipment.

    1. I use a basketball or volleyball for wall ball, don't have a 10 lb ball either. Believe me those are hard enough 🙂

  2. Thrusters and you could use dumbbells or soup cans, milk jugs. Or just use any ball for wallball (basketball, soccer ball etc).

  3. 9:10
    1:47 faster than last time! Last time I subbed 35# thrusters for wb at the gym
    this time I subbed 20# thrusters- but did outside run/workout from home

    You look great Katie!

  4. 10:29 Raining cats and dogs here in North Carolina! Makes me feel really hardcore carrying on in it.

  5. yay Katie!


    subbed thrusters, 30#/15#/15#
    couldn't run all of it, but pushed myself and walked less than I thought I would!

  6. 9:03 which is better than my last time of 10:25. I'm on my third challenge and while I'm not hard core eating clean, I have changed the way I eat. Breakfast every am, no eating after 8/9pm, less sugar than previous. But it's the weight I'm lifting and the endurance that I love. Even while battling plantar facititis, I'm running solid 10 min miles. Woohoo! Thanks, jenni!

  7. 11:23 gpu Is it too late to join this 90 day challenge??

  8. 7:54 as rxd

    I have been doing the Hiit Mamas workouts on and off since January. I am going to start doing a better job posting my times on here! Thanks for the great workouts Jenni!

  9. 8:18 – .20 miles each time vs. 300m; Rest as Rx'd.

    Added x2 core afterwards

  10. 9:30 8lb wb(all I have). Pretty much fell off back of dreamill trying to be a super sprinter yesterday on my 400's do let's say i was a touch timid today! Hahaha! Thank goodness I was at home. .. alone!!!!

  11. Ran 3 miles then decided to complete the wall balls and pushups from today's hiit. Time w/out running portion 4:02. My back and shoulders are so sore from yesterday!

  12. No run … Had to do a longer one today — 5:01 for rest

  13. No run … Had to do a longer one today — 5:01 for rest

  14. 17:26

    I feel so much better about myself even though it's only day 3. So glad my SIL encouraged me to do this!

  15. All gpu
    Sub 18# goblet squats for wall ball
    Run w stroller

    1. More like 400 meters.
      Beat last time of 11:02 but that was with all bpu. Too sore today.

  16. Way to go Katie!!!

    7:35…. I was out on a soccer field without equipment, so I ran for 1:30 each round (which is slightly longer than 300 meters would normally take me, but it made it easy for timing purposes) and just did the motion for wall ball shots.


  17. 8:30

    1:15 faster than last time!
    then ran the rest to complete 4 km
    plus 45 min walk

  18. Executed not timed, 13 lbs, 6 kg thrusters, 300 ropejumps, outside

  19. Going to have to do this workout today! I am under the weather but will push through it!

  20. 9:57 15 boy push ups
    No where to run but up and down my stairs. So that's what I did 🙂

  21. 8:31 ran just short a 300 because I have such a big hill!!! Bpu

  22. Had to do .55 mile runs instead of the short 300m run (one loop around my block)


  23. 11 and some change-time got deleted. I went over a little in the runs. Rest as rxd

  24. 9:13 treadmill and gpu. Now to do Thursdays.

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