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Thursday 09.19.13

3 rounds for time of:
21 Knees to elbows
21 Kettlebell swings, 20 lbs
21 Push-ups
21 Box jump, 18 inch box
21 Back extensions (Supermans)
21 Walking lunges

Post time to comments.

Knees to elbows

no caffeine
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake 
3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep
finish strong!


  1. 16:35
    kte on ground
    gallon of something I found in the garage for KB swings

  2. 16:55
    Missed the supermans on round two so I stuck them in the middle of round three.
    K2e on bar. Getting better! First few of each round touched armpits!

  3. Noy sure of exact time because my timer reset iyself after the first round! Total time of 2 rounds was 12:24. So I'm guessing 18 minuyes?
    First round was 20lb weights for swings, 2 & 3 rounds were 18, kne on floor, rest as rx'd

  4. I ran 1.6 miles, then did the workout in 14:22
    *gpu, box jumps on basement step

  5. 16:12 floor k2e, 15# kettlebellHard to compare my time without being able to do k2e on a bar. Still got a fabulous workout!

  6. 21:34
    K2E on floor, 15# kettle bell, basement stairs for box, gpu

  7. 12:56
    K2e on floor
    Tuck jumps for box jumps
    Excited to think a few months ago I couldn't do all boy push-ups and now I can! Wahoo!

  8. Hiitmamas northglenn
    Shawntae 2 rounds chair and bar 22" 18:02
    Sharadee all chair and bar 22" 22:54
    Robyn chair floor 18" 15:36
    Karissa 1chair 18" 16

  9. 18:47. I miss read and added 21 leg xtensions to each round too. Used 26.9kettleball and all girl push-ups. Then body pump.

  10. 13:52 28 k2e on bar, the rest on the floor. The rest as rx'd!

  11. 14:52 as rx'd
    KTE on bar (to chest)
    knees to floor lunges

  12. 14:36.
    10 kte on bar, 11 on floor
    26 lb kettle bell
    Box jumps on 12" box (18" was unavailable at gym)

  13. 17:38 as rx'd however I added 10# held overhead to the walking lunges

  14. done yesterday, 16:16 with KTE on the floor.

  15. 14:53 with k2e on floor, 15# kettlebell, and half modified push ups.

    after seeing my time, i think i'm about ready to start doing all regular pushups eeek!

  16. 16:11

    K2E on floor using bar in door frame
    box jumps on stairs
    scaled push ups

    for some reason, the back extensions always kill me -feels like I can't breath!

  17. 16:35 not sure how heavy my kettlebell was, I think it was 30 lbs

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