Friday 09.06.13
7 rounds for time of:
7 Push-ups
7 Thrusters, 20 lbs
7 Burpees
7 Kettle bell swings, 20 lbs
7 Leg lifts
Compare to 09.06.12
Happy Birthday Amber!
Amber is a dedicated and super hot 32 year old mother of 5 and we have raised our matching kids together for the last 9 years. Our oldest sons were even born on the same day in the same hospital. Amber was one of my first followers and has seen amazing results during her 90 Day Challenge only a few months after delivering her 5th child. She is one hard core Hiit Mama and I am proud to call her friend.
12:58, 35lb kb.
14:12, 24lbs thrusters
12:29 as RX'd
16:28. One of my favorites so far!
Burpees w/ pu
All bpu
* I had stopped at 9:50, but seeing times made me think I only did 6 rounds, so I went back and did one more.
Glad Friday is here!
Boy pu
No pu on burpee
All bpu
35# thrusters
25# kettlebell
13:13 as rx'd
Boy push-ups
All bpu
20# thrusters
15# kettle ball
13:45 as rx'd
15:01 gpu
13:59 – all BPU except one set.
Have a great weekend everyone!!
16:40. Half bpu
Mods for pregnancy: skipped KB, lots of little breaks to et heart rate down.
Ran 1.5 miles
Then did 1st 3 rounds rx, last 4 burpee to plank & gpu- 13:37
Dragging today- it's day 4 of paleo and I'm definitely lacking in energy this morning (and little man woke up every 2 hours last night!) Have a good weekend- TGIF!!
13:03 30 lb thrusters and kettle bell swings!
13:03 30 lb thrusters and kettle bell swings!
Hiit mamas northglenn 22# thrusters
Shawntae 11:02
Robyn 30# Kb 11:02
Holly both kb 13:30
Karissa 12:57
Jen 11:26 both
Jenelle 13:33 30#
Audra 4 rounds
Courtney 14:03 8 mos PREGGO!! 7rounds minus burpees 10# thrusters
11:55 as rxd
17:32 as rxd. Boy pushups, full wt on thrusters and kettle bell. love those leg lifts!
30 lb thrusters
10 lb kb
16:42, loved it!
Thanks for the birthday shout out Jenni! I'm glad I was able to do this one after the week I had with the stomach flu at our house. And I missed it last time since I was 8 months pregnant. 😉 Just what I needed today! 🙂
12:21. Used a 12kg kettle bell (~26 pounds)
16:35 as rx'd. Great work out! Loved this one!
16:22, 24# thrusters 15# kettle bell
I'm a day late, but… Happy Birthday Amber!!
15:00 with gpus, 30# thrusters, and 10# kb swings.
11:17 as rxd.
K=13.59 J=14.15
First 3 rounds were 30 lb kettle bell swing. Then next 4 were 20 lb.
13:21 as RX'd
I stopped at 15 minutes. I'm trying to run my WODs like they do in the games! Most times I can finish within the timeframe I set, but those BURPEES are killer!! I did the last round off the clock-so I did finish!
Girl push ups
30# thruster
35#kb swings
Oh. Em. Gee.
did right after Thursday WOD on Sunday evening . . . now only behind one of the weeks workouts
burpees to plank and graded push ups
13:40 as rx'd.
12:16 as RX'd
(3 mile run before)… Dripping sweat!
13:48. Gpu. Lat three sets subbed crossfit situps for burpees.
Did on correct day, forgot to post
17:13 as RX'ed. I hate burpees! ??
16:52 only have a 10# bell
11:30 27.9# kettle ball. Completed on 9/10 after 9/10 wod. Then body pump.
30# thrusters
the rest as rx'd
Pat – 13:25 #45 #25
Maria – 14:01 #30 #20
compared to 12:17 last time, I know we up our weight a bunch but felt like we were pushing it.. ugh!