Wednesday 09.04.13


6 rounds for time of:
30 Squats
19 Power cleans, 20-30 lbs
7 Pull-ups (assist as necessary)
Run 400 meters

Post time to comments.

 19 Arizona Hotshots
(I will be crying my way through this one. It hits way too close to home.)


  1. Subbed 7-15-13 workout and saw 1 min 50 sec improvement (14:00)

    I now have two WODs to make up

    1. I was looking for ur post yesterday! I did it and it was tough … I did 5 400's and 5 dead lift high pulls 28.00

  2. 31:20
    tried to get some deep squats!
    20# cleans
    pull ups (2 on every round on my own-rest were jumping pull ups)
    *did outside run, so had go back in forth for pull up bar inside
    I thought I wanted to quit after round 3, glad I finished!

  3. 31:25 (includes 40 sec break for water after 3rd round)
    20lb cleans
    Assisted pull-ups

  4. 4 rounds in 26:19
    Ran out of time and energy. That was rough!!
    Still feel like I'm not doing the power cleans correctly.

  5. 24:05 for 4 rounds. I've gotten spoiled with the shorter workouts and have a hard time fitting in the longer ones! 20# cleans, should have done more. Pull ups from toes or jumps.

  6. 22:51 all 6 rounds but subbed 100 jump ropes for running (plantar facilitis is seriously irritated after yesterday's run). added 72 calf raises to solve afore mentioned and highly unwelcomed plantar.

    check out this website that shows you how to do pull ups without a bar anywhere in your house or yard. duh! why didn't i think of that?!?

  7. 27:44
    Outside run, 30# cleans, first 2 rounds jumping pull ups, last 4 chair assisted.

  8. 29:01

    15# power cleans, horizontal pull-ups from bed of my truck

  9. 30:05
    #20 power cleans
    table assisted pull-ups

  10. 34:31
    25# power clean

    The heat and humidity really wiped me out during this workout. Thanks Jenni for this hero wod. I live in Arizona and it really means a lot to honor these brave men.

  11. 26:42
    1st round pull ups unassisted
    Next 5 rounds did 3 unassisted then chair assist
    #30 power cleans
    Not sure about running distance… It was around 400

  12. Hiit mamas northglenn
    Shawntae 27:04
    Karissa 29:04
    Robyn 32 ish
    Sharadee 31ish

  13. 31:26. weighted squats w/ 8lb medicine ball. 33 lb cleans. Reverse pull ups. Did 15 min total on bike at end of 6 rounds for 2400 m. I was hoping hubby would get home so I could run, but nope. Not crazy about time but I finished, despite wanting to quit so bad.

  14. 35:37. First round of squats and cleans at 25lbs 85# assist pull ups. Last 5 rounds 20# and 70# assist. Then RPM

  15. 26:14
    Every time I did 19 cleans I felt like I was counting off each one of the hotshots. So tragic.

  16. As usual – I'm VERY impressed with everyone's times! Mine? Not so much, but I did not quit, so I'm impressed with that!

    I did the "pack" modification of this from a different website and only did 4 rounds, but split it into 8 rounds of:
    15 squats
    10 Power cleans w/50 lbs
    4 Pull-ups
    Run 200 meters
    Time: 43:34

    Tough workout – VERY glad I finished and did not fall down the stairs afterwards!

  17. 20:04
    Subbed Mountain Climbers for run (knee, smoke outside)
    Used purple resistance band on pull ups.

  18. 24:40 did power cleans with only ten pounds as I am pregnant, assisted pull ups, great workout!

  19. 29:25 not my best workout, but thought of the hotshots on each clean.

  20. 40:15

    For pull-ups I used the Gravitron machine 100 lb assistance.

    Also ran on treadmill across the gym, so time is longer.

  21. I subbed "the Freak" workout this morning. Used equalizer for pullups and did thrusters instead of wallball (30 lbs on all thrusters) 15 b on swings.

  22. Had to make this workout up since on its schedule day I did a 7 miles training run for an upcoming 10K race.

    32:07. Used 30lb for power cleans. Assisted pull ups

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