Friday 08.16.13


5 rounds for time of:
12 Dead lifts,  20 lbs
9 Hang power cleans, 20 lbs
6 Push jerks, 20 lbs

Compare to 03.13.12 (WOD demo video here)

Post time to comments.



  1. 4:33
    Maybe-I could have used more weight

    Happy Friday!!!

  2. 4:05- could use more weight too- but was good to practice form
    Have a great weekend everyone!!

  3. 3:37

    30# feelin' good
    need to do the 5 km "run" later that I missed a week or so ago later today

  4. I subbed the workout:
    3 rounds for time:
    20 front squats 45 lb.
    50 jump rope.
    Total time: 5:14

    Trying to allow healing time for my shoulder. I can't extend much overhead, or back behind. I'm trying not to panic.

  5. 4:18
    25# definitely could have used a lot more weight on deadlifts.

  6. 7:30
    70 lbs dl
    30 lbs hpc and pj
    ran 3 miles before
    forgot my gloves today-ouch!

  7. 3:49 as rx'd. Definitely need heavier weight next time. Did on correct day

  8. 6:17 I upped the weight. All five rounds I used 45 lbs for DL and hc's. I had to lower for push jerks the last three to 30lbs. Great! Shoulder feels all better! Woot!

  9. 7:36 as rx'd

    the push jerks felt a little weird despite watching several videos

  10. Late entry-did 8/18

    60# DL, rest as rx'd

    60 min. hiit t-mill

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