Friday 08.09.13

10 rounds for time of:
7 Burpees
7 Knees to elbows

Post time to comments.



  1. 9:17
    Working on burpees form
    All K2E's on bar, started out at waist high…some were knee high.

  2. 12:46
    I think that was 10 rounds but I lost count. With that time, I hope it was more but I doubt it. Hard to get moving this morning.

  3. 13:57
    Burpees with push ups- went slow bc of stiff back
    All KTE on bar

    Great week of tough workouts!! Happy FRIDAY 🙂

  4. 14:28
    Burpees with push ups
    All KTE on bar!!!

  5. 9:41 as rxd
    Knees to elbows were pathetic!! All on bar.

  6. 31:20
    2 mile run
    5 sets burpees with push-ups; 5 sets regular
    Kte of floor

  7. 10:42
    Burpees 1-4 chest to ground
    Burpees 5-10 to plank
    kTE on floor

  8. 10:19 as rx'd

    18:00 arm strength & diastasis recti rehab exercises

  9. Only did 6 rounds since this was my first week and I was kinda seeing spots after the 6th.

  10. 12:55
    As rx'd (except 2 sets of KTE on floor)

  11. Hi ladies! This is my first time to comment- I've been doing the workouts for a week now, but still pretty pathetic to watch!! I'm 3 weeks post-partum and have been walking/jogging and slowly getting back into my workouts! So glad to have found these workouts- thanks for posting them!

    Walk/jog 1 mile with baby in jogger

    Burpees to plank, k2e's on floor, all 10 rounds 10:44

  12. Well looks like I'm the slow poke for today. 16:51. Full burpees, k to e on bar.

  13. 8:25 KTE on bar (knees to chest)
    This killed me! My hamstrings are super sore today. Pretty sure my form on the burpees wasn't my best, but I got through it.
    Have a great weekend mamas!!

  14. 10:12 but with 14 v-shaped side twists holding #10 ball each round instead of 7 K2Es.

  15. 9:28. Full burpees and k2e's half on floor half on bar. I can whip out some burpees now. I had to break on the k2e's but not during burpees!

  16. 10:27
    1-6 burpees with pushups
    7-10 to plank
    Knees to elbow on floor.

  17. 14:46-
    Burpees to GPU
    KTE on the floor
    Tough week- Thanks : )

  18. 13:23
    KTE on the floor. Oh Lord how I hate me some burpees. Ran up and down the stairs 36 times afterwards.

    KTE on the floor.

  19. did a different wo today:
    100 meter sprint
    10 push-ups
    100 meter sprint
    10 jumping lunges
    10 meter sprint
    10 pull-ups
    100 meter sprint
    10 burpees
    100 meter sprint
    10 bodyweight squats
    100 meter sprint
    30 crunches

  20. 15:18

    this one was tougher than I anticipated and I thought I could do in about 12 min, but each round got slower and slower! Still sweatin' like a champ though! missed this one last week, so did Sunday, aug 18th

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