Monday 05.27.13
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Deadlift, 60 lbs
Box jump,18-24inches
Post time to comments.
Memorial Day
Never Forget.
no caffeine
no caffeine
no soda
only fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake
3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
Thank you to all of you for your encouraging and kind comments. Your support and gratitude are so uplifting to me and are helping me to stay positive through this challenge. I love my Mamas!!
Forgot to start my timer, but I think it was about 4 minutes altogether.
2:58 30 #dl, tuck jumps.
20lb dl and higher box jumps for me than other wo's. did about 9" this time
Thanks for the wo!!
Thank you for keeping the workouts coming!!!
40 lb deadlifts
4:51 Rx'd
Ran 3 miles
Then 3:47
DL as RX'd
16" box, did step ups (feet were really hurting today)
Thanks for the workouts!
24" box
Too much food and not enough sleep this weekend!!!!
62# dl
5:32 I felt awkward using two dumbbells in each hand. Took me awhile to figure out my grip.
30# dl(the most weight I have)
17 inch box jumps
Didn't strat my timer until the first set of deadlifts, it was 3:30 so maybe.4:30 or 4:45?
90lbs deadlifts
18" box jumps
For my birthday I get to do double workouts. But mostly because I missed last Friday's.
8 400 meter run 90 seconds rest
And I still don't have heavier weights, so it was 36 pound weights
DL as rx'd
14" box jumps
3:50 as RXd.
3:07 as rx'd
20 pound dead lifts
Jump ups on step.
Thanks again for these awesome workouts. I don't always post my time, but I'm with you every day! 4:36 as rx'd
4:53 30lbs and 18" box jumps
Nursing a sore back so I went light and easy.
8# db (16# total)
did step-ups instead of box jumps
20# is as much weight as I have.
Wall I jumped onto was about 16"?
I know my speed was because I had only 1/3 the prescribed weight on the dead lifts. I could feel that it would have been WAY more challenging had I had heavier weight.
My thoughts today more than ever are with all those who gave their lives for our freedom and the families who had to live with the sacrifice.
21-15-9 Reps of:
Push Ups
Bench Dips
CF Sit Ups
4:23 as rx'd. 18"box jump
3:43 as RX'd
10k race this morning. 55 min-discovered my love affair with running races is over for now. I love these "califit mamas" so much more!
30lb deadlifts.
3:22 55# dl
*40#dl (only own two 20# dumbells!)Really want to try 60!
18" box jumps
60 lbs, 14" bucket
Ran 1 mi after
5 mins, as rx
70lb deads
95lb DL
13" BJ
3:22 but did run ups and 65# bar for dead lifts. I really need a box.
Jenni, thank you so much for the workouts! I love them and support you 100%.
6:39 as rx'd
I'm still not 100% sure of my form on deadlift, so I don't try to go too quickly.
75 lbs today. That was a great weight for me.
First two sets of jumps at 18" and last round at 24". Looks like I might need to increase that more regularly.
Thank you and thanks to all of those who have served our country!!!
Bench dips
(Knee surgery)
65# dead lifts
15" box jumps (I've graduated from the 12" box…yay!)
20# dl (all I have)
16" box (2 steps)
70lb deadlifts
15" box jumps
Step ups in place of box jumps
first set of DL did 30# one legged 21 each side
for the rest did 30# regular (will be getting some heavier weights this summer!)
box jumps:
first round 5 to second stair, rest on first step
second round 3 to 2nd
third 4 to 2nd (no step ups and first time I did 2nd stair in a WOD)
then ran 1 k, walked for 45 min and did my upper body workout – will be feelin' it tomorrow!
Thanks again for these workouts – this is the first time I've stuck with something I can do at home for this long (in my second month)- I wish I had found it sooner! I am in not great shape, but feel so motivated and strong after finishing these workouts that I thought I would never be able to do and pushing myself further than I normally would! I know I still modify, but it's only the the point where I can complete the workout and I am always pushing myself, which I love. Hope your legal headache is over for you now!
5:35. 40 lb dead lifts and only 8" box jumps. Need to get a real box!
8 inch step on staircase
44lbs – 12's and 10's are all I had
Thanks for facilitating my workouts with your blog!!
5:41. 18" box did about 1/2 jump up step down. Didn't have 60lb so did 1/2 70lb and 1/2 40lb
5:45 – 40# deadlift, step ups. Tried box jumps but freaked myself out. Need to work on my confidence – I'm afraid of tripping!
6:10: 60# DL & 24" BJ
(Still sooooo careful on the jumps after major fall about a month ago, but working up confidence)
55# DL
Jumped last two stairs
4 something
9 inch jumps
4:29 and did a fast paced walk for an hour.
2:17 but only did my jumps on my first stair of my staircase and used 20# because that's the heaviest weight I have (I have GOT to get some heavier weights!!)
3:24 as rx'd. 40 min spin after.
45 lb
5:50 as rx'd : )
5:06 40# DL and some step ups throw in for box jumps. I too appreciate everything you do to keep this blog going!! I've lost 10#s combined with a change in diet!
Run 1 mile
70# DL
6:28 the wod
Thank you Jenni,
3:15 with 70 lbs and step up. My legs tried to give out doing jumps…lol. Have to work tomorrow and don't need any crazy battle wounds or missing teeth.
6:07 as RX'd!
4:40 45# deadlift
18" box jump
75#, 21" box
4:12 as rx'd
Playing catch up… I did 21/15/9 of cf sit-up and box jumps (I just did 150 squats from another post
3:27, tuck jumps
3:25 with a 14" box and 30# dl (the most weight I have)
First time for box jumps and they were a bit more challenging than I anticipated. Starting week 3 of cf and I'm loving every minute of it!!
3 stepper jump
30lb deadlifts
Step ups for box jumps
24 weeks pregnant
4:25 95LB deadlifts, 20in box jumps
4:05 as rxd, 60 # dl, 18" box jumps. Making up for mon, doing wed on sat instead.
7:58, 7" box jumps
6:07 with lots of breathing breaks lol! Used 60# and my 12 in box. Did this after friday's word.
hate, hate, hate box jumps.
Pat 4:40 – #95
Maria – 4:46 – #65 18 in bj
All I had was 30 lbs and a 12 inch box
4:15, with 18" box jumps.