Friday 05.10.13

8 rounds for time of:
5 Front squats, 40 lbs
10 Push-ups
20 Butterfly sit-ups

Compare to 01.25.12

Post time to comments.


  1. 12:54
    Boy push-ups, crossed arms on CFSU with abmat
    As RX'd

    Happy Mother's Day Mamas!

  2. 18:42 had to have my son sit on my feet for the last 2 rounds of sit-ups

  3. 13:04
    5 rounds boy push ups, 3 rounds girl push ups

  4. 17:22 those situps are kiler!! For some reason I'm still struggling with those. Need to strengthen my lower back.

  5. 14:45 with BOY PUSH UPS IN ALL ROUNDS. Booya! Take that weak arms. Course I won't be able to lift anything all day…..

  6. Completed my first ful week, go me :).
    Thise su r not nice, need to get stronger in that area as well as in my pu. All 8 rnds were gpu
    #12 weights

  7. 12:56 26lb Kettlebell with squats; half & half bpu/gpu

  8. 3:26
    Super short on time
    Did abs before so skipped sit-ups
    Body weight squats
    All boy pu

  9. 14:05
    6 sets of pushups on toes, 2 on knees. Otherwise all as rx'd.

  10. 17:32 gpu otherwise as rx'd

    Happy Mother's Day everyone!

  11. 13:00
    30# squats

    I wasn't feeling well yesterday, so I did yesterday wod after this one.

  12. 17:14

    13# on squats (need heavier dumbbells)
    all gpu
    sit-ups were killer; I almost went to only 10/round, but I didn't! I did all 160!

  13. 14:48
    40 lbs (finally 90 degrees!)
    all regular pu (working harder at getting lower)

  14. Ran 3.29 miles this morning
    13# dumbbells(10 pounder and a 3 pounder in each hand) front squat
    4 rounds of boy pu and 4 rounds of girls, alternating.
    And now my abs are already soreeee! 🙂

  15. 10:21. Thought It Was 15 Sit-ups, So I Added InThe Time To Do 40 Extra At The End. Used A Smith Machine At The Gym Because That's All That Was Available At The Time. Didn't Realiz It Made It Easier. IF I Need To Do That Again I'd Add More weight

  16. 10:37 20lb for squats
    Girl push ups
    2rounds cfsu 6 rounds gymnast sit ups

  17. Second Day!
    20# Squats
    1/2 regular pu 1/2 modified
    mixed cfsu with bicycle crunches, Ouch!!

  18. 12:34
    As RXed.
    Butt to floor squats.
    Did 10 boy push-ups.

  19. 16:52 – as RX'd!!!!!!!!

    front squats, 44 lbs – very happy with how low I could go!

    Push-ups – easy – maybe I should start working on boy push-ups?!?

    Sit-ups were okay until after 4 rounds, then struggled through. I'd have had a great time if we only had 10 sit-ups per round! lol

    Great week! I hope y'all have a Happy Mother's Day! 🙂

  20. 14:24, as Rx'd but my boys were the weights on the last two sets of squats:)

    Happy mother's day!

  21. THen i joined the boys speed camp & did jumpsquats jump lunges, 50 more situps 25 leg lifts, more!

  22. THen i joined the boys speed camp & did jumpsquats jump lunges, 50 more situps 25 leg lifts, more!

  23. I did this along with Thursdays WOD so time doesn't count for me on this one. My arms/shoulders were dying on the last sets of push ups this WOD because of all of Thursdays, too! 😉

  24. 10:17
    20 min walk

    Been sick with a fever the past couple of days – feels great to get back at it 🙂

    FS 10# (5# ea – need more matching dumbbell sets) … Rxed rounds and #s

    PU on knees – last three sets not nearly as low as I'd like them but I worked to make sure they were in good form … Rxed rounds and #s

    Oblique crunches (10 ea side) instead of CFSU … Rxed rounds and #s

  25. 28:13 40# squats, gpu. Sit ups were my time suck.

    Happy Mother's Day! (And Happy Bday to me!!)

  26. 19:10

    40# – 20# kettlebell (mother's day gift!) in one hand and two 10# weights in the other – was a bit awkward
    knee push ups – with one full one each round
    goal was under 16 but got significantly slower each round!

    ran 2 k

  27. 14:58, with 25# squats (that's all i had), all regular push ups!

  28. did this workout friday forgot to post my time!

    17:15 30# front sqauts, butt very low
    cfsu as rx'd

  29. 13:19 as rx'd and with toe push-ups for 7 of the 8 rounds. Finished with a 45 min spin.

  30. 13:50

    mixed boy and girl push ups
    halfway thru swapped reps for abs and push ups

  31. 19:17 sit ups took so much time. WEAK ABS! One day they will be strong. Did first 5 BPUs on first round, also first 3 as BPUs on all the rest.

  32. did this on the correct day, forgot to post 12:06 as rx'd all bpu

  33. 15:25. Did one round in middle of gpu to give the and a break. All other bpu, and 40# squats. 🙂

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