
Wednesday 05.08.13

5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
15 Front squats, 40 lbs

Compare to 06.04.12

Post time to comments.

no caffeine
no soda
only fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol


  1. 20:22 with 20 lbs and 20 squats each round-couldn't get add extra weight due to construction at our house. Running as rxd.

  2. 19 minutes. But I'm proud of myself, got I 3 or 4 of the 400 meter runs under 3 minutes!!! YAY me!!! And I only have 10 pounders so 20 pound squats.

  3. Ran 6.50 miles
    15# dumbbells front squats for rounds 1 & 5. Rounds 2-4 were done with 10# dumbbells! = 2:46

  4. 16:41 38# squats first round.(2 dumbbells) I had to drop one set after that because my hands got too sweaty to hold two. 20# squats last 4 rounds.

  5. ran yesterday after WOD (and a little before) so modified by….

    400m row with 50lb squats

  6. 16:41
    25# front squat, had some pain in my knee, so didn't want to do to much weight.

  7. First day of crossfit!!! 17:58 20lb front squats
    Did 440s instead of 400s! Pumped!

  8. 15:01…felt slow and tired….only had 30# for front squats…headed out for a "jog"!

  9. 18:10. Fastest run in a long time. 1.25 miles in under 12 min. Hurray!

  10. As rx'd except front squats with
    10 lbd dumbells (20lb total)


  11. 22:55 I really need to work on my running. Lol These drills will definitely help.

  12. 10:30, but with a set 90s of stairs instead of running.. Also, way less weight for the squats, as all I could find was an eight-pound dumbbell, ha.. Whatever, it kicked my a$$ either way 😉 My thighs aren't wanting me to be standing at the moment.. Glad I finished at the top of the stairs!

  13. I did this on tuesday
    Time: 19:15
    I did overhead squat #10 , this movement is hard for me.

  14. 15:45
    Used 20# instead of 40
    Recovering fom several days of illness. Wheezed and coughed through this WOD but I wasn't going to let another day go by without working out. Will pick up Mon. And Tues. this weekend.

  15. 18:10
    sub'ed rowing for running
    Did 45# OH squats

  16. 11:06
    run as rx'd
    20# goblet squats

    really tried to push hard on the runs

    finished up with 200 jump ropes!!

  17. 15:32 outside
    20# squats
    Super fun! Thanks!!!!

  18. 14:20 30# squats. Realized the first three runs were a bit short so I added a lot to the last two.. not sure if it evened out.

  19. 20:00 modified for shin pain (found out not a stress fracture but an "intaosseous membrain strain")

    5 x
    3 min hula hoop / 15 cfsu

  20. 17:45

    Didn't have weight to bring to the park so doubled the squats and did 40 squats the last two rounds.

  21. 27:09

    40# squats first round, 20# for the rest

    did speed walking up and down the hills in my neighborhood. Modified to not cough up a lung or aggravate my knee.

  22. During my workout my phone died and so I don't know my time. But I did it! Used 20# for front squats.

  23. 17 min. I know I could have done better but for some reason I was not feeling it today. but I did break out in a sweat and almost pass out from not being able to breathe.

  24. 27:46

    Totally misread and did near 1/2 mile increments instead of 1/4 mile. Ooops! No wonder I was feeling so tired, lol!

  25. 18:05, ran 5 x 2:15 as a guess at 400 m, added 45 sec walks after each run, no weights on squats. Added 40 burpees afterwards.

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