
Monday 05.06.13

For time:
100 ft Walking lunge
50 Push-ups
50 Double-unders (or 200 jump rope)
25 Knees to elbows
50 Box jump, 18 inch box
25 Front squats, 40 pounds
25 Pull-ups (assist as necessary)
50 Butterfly sit-ups

Compare to 10.10.12 (modified version)

Post time to comments.

no caffeine
no soda
only fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol


  1. Back at it after a while away. Phew, I will be sore tomorrow!
    Ran 3 miles, then
    Double unders were tough, and slow, but did them.
    Box jumps 25, step ups 25, 16" box
    Got a proper bar in South Africa, so squats as RX'd!
    Pull ups were a bit weak, but I can do one chin up!

  2. 16:12
    KTE on bar
    Jumping pullups. (Forgot to get band out of closet)
    Cross arms on CFSU

  3. 17:20 opted for 200 jump ropes instead of double unders, #30 squats and 5 real chin ups rest chair assisted, 15" box jumps

  4. 17:23
    Half bpu and half gpu
    200 jr
    Kte on bar
    Crossed arms for cfsu
    Shorter box jumps
    20lb squats
    1 real chin up!!!! Rest assisted by band alternated chin ups and pull-ups
    Awesome wo!!

  5. 20:03. Goal was under 20 🙁
    30 boy push ups, 20 girl
    200 jump rope
    K2e on bar but to chest height
    Jump assisted pull ups

  6. 12:16
    15 BPU, 35 gpu
    Double jumps for double unders
    Bar k2e
    12 in box
    36# fs
    Chair assist pull ups

  7. 22:20

    A little disappointed with my time today but, at least I finished!

    Did 35# front squat and one minute plank instead of cfsu. All else as rx'd. Happy Monday everyone!

  8. 18:20
    20 bpu, 30 bpu, 200 JR, 12" box, 40# front squats, Chair assist pull ups

  9. 16:50
    WL as Rx'd
    50 Push-ups on knees
    25 Double-unders, 100 jump rope
    25 KTE (on floor which I find more difficult)
    50 Box jump, 8 inch box (stairs)
    25 Front squats, 15 pounds (I don't have a heavier weight – gradually building my set)
    25 Pull-ups (assisted)
    50 Oblique crunches – 25 each side

    Plus Walked hills for 15 minutes in the rain

  10. 18:50
    200 jump rope
    KTE on floor
    50 step-ups
    Front squats with 20 lbs
    Assisted pull-ups
    Modifications all over the place! This was hard today because I over-ate this weekend (my anniversary!)

  11. 23:51
    50 walking lunges
    100 reg jump rope
    Jump up lower down pull ups
    24" box

  12. 16:03
    25bpu 25gpu
    200 jump rope
    15" box jumps
    Jump up to bar on pull-ups (felt a little more control this time, so I'm super excited about that!)

  13. 14:25 with the following modifications:
    5bpu – 45 gpu
    200 jump ropes for double unders
    floor k2e
    bench dips for pull ups

  14. 17:10 holy cow! Hanging arm with lifted knees for mod, gpu, 12" jumps. But I got through it. Never would have done this on my own. Thanks, mamas

  15. Ran 4.5 miles

    All boy push ups
    KTE on bar
    20" box jumps
    Kipping pull ups–unassisted

  16. Ran 4.5 miles

    All boy push ups
    KTE on bar
    20" box jumps
    Kipping pull ups–unassisted

  17. 17:26 and I'm cool with it. So sore from running last night I'm amazed I even attempted it!

  18. Ran 3.88 miles then…

    All girl pu's
    200 jump rope
    K2e on floor
    25 box jumps(14 inch box)/25 step on and off
    10# dumbbells for front squat
    25 girl push-ups for pull-ups
    Time: 8:54

  19. 16:33 Had to mod 4 of the exercises, but I'm ok with that.

  20. 18:59

    12" box jumps, 24 lb squats, jumping for pull ups.

  21. 17:35 held my 19 lb. baby with walking lunges, all boy push-ups, and KTE and pull-ups on my total gym.

  22. 13:08

    NO pull-ups
    200 jump rope
    k2e on floor
    all girl pu
    13# on squats

  23. 14:12 with kte on bar, assisted pull ups, girl push ups, 200 jump rope, 45 lb squat

    compare to 17:08 in october ( i was one month in to crossfit wods) with kte on ground and 13.5" box

  24. 17:30
    mix of double-unders and regular jump rope
    assisted k2e
    18" ottoman for box jump
    36# front squats
    chair assisted pu

  25. 26:19 – slow, but I did it! Yay for finishing workout number 3!!!

  26. 24:30
    200 jump rope
    KTE only to belly button
    8" box
    chair assisted pull-ups
    Thanks to whoever recommended a towel under my butt for CFSU's, I was able to do all of them without bothering my tailbone today.

  27. 19:00
    all regular push-ups
    200 jump ropes
    last 10 kte on floor
    14" box
    30lbs squats
    all reverse grip jump up pull-ups

  28. So I don't know my time exactly. I noticed half way through toes 2 bar that I forgot to start my timer. So I got down and started from that point and got 10:45, so add a good probably 4 – 5 minutes onto that maybe? Modified as follows:
    -15 BPU the rest GPU
    -No jump rope, so I sub'ed 200 high jumps
    -Toes to bar for knees to elbows
    – 19.5 inch box jumps and stepped down
    -45 lb front squats
    – 1 kilo assisted band pull up on bar

  29. 11:39
    25 boy pushups then 25 girl, 200 jump rope, KTE on the floor, 20lb front squats, and tricep dips instead of pull-ups. Geez, had to do a lot of modifications this time.

  30. 18:20 modified: 200 jump rope, k2e on floor, 30# for squats, 50 pullups (don't have a bar so I use bands)

  31. 16:02 50 lunges, gpu, 200 jump ropes, k2e on floor, 20# squats, pull ups on treadmill bar

  32. 20:39.
    34 lunges total / all gpu / 200 jump rope / 25 k2e on each leg / 45# bar squats / all assisted pull ups / 50 regular sit ups.

    Nothing like hittin' it hard right out of the gate on a Monday. Awesome! Blessings, ladies!

    1. 22:18, but all bpu, 40# squat, assisted pu's, K2E using dip station, 42 walking lunges, 200 jump rope, and cfsu. 🙂

  33. 16:15
    28 BPU rest were GPU
    KTE on ground
    45lb front squat
    pull ups were on rack bar

    then 3 rounds of 3 min. walk 2 min. jog 1 min. sprint

    I also ran 6 miles on saturday. The sprint training we have been doing really improves my long distance running!

  34. 21:06
    35 lb squats
    1/2 regular and 1/2 modified push-ups
    Step ups on 24" flower bed
    KTE on floor
    Sit-ups on stability ball
    200 jump rope

  35. 18:05
    200 Jump Rope
    Laying down K2E
    20# squats (all I have)
    jumped into pull ups

  36. I did a "real" compare and did what was prescribed on 10/10/12 – knocked off 7+ seconds from my time and hardly ANY modifications this time!

    100 ft walking lunges- RX'd both days
    50 CF situps – RX'd (feet under treadmill on 10/10)
    50 Jump rope- RX'd (jumping jacks on 10/10)
    25 K2E – to boobs, on bar (standing, on floor on 10/10)
    50 Box jumps- RX'd (step-ups on 10/10)
    25 Front squats, 38# – RX'd (no weight on 10/10)
    25 Push-ups – RX'd both days
    50 Leg lifts – RX'd both day

    Sweaty and happy! 🙂

  37. 16:25

    Regular jump rope
    45# front squat
    assisted pull-up 10@ 52#, 15 @ 64#

  38. adapted for knee
    15 push ups
    25 CFSU
    15 push ups
    25 Back extensions
    15 push ups
    25 Hollow Rockers
    15 Push ups
    25 Tricep extensions
    15 Push ups
    25 bench dips

  39. 13:10 with some modifications
    50 WL
    14" box
    11 bpu, rest gpu
    45# front squat
    Reverse pu on treadmill
    Knees to high waist on bar

  40. 16:02
    Waiting for a ride after work so I had to improvise at work

    200 jump rope
    K2e on floor
    Tuck jumps for box jumps
    40 squats no weights
    40 pull ups with band

  41. 15:05
    about 30 lunges, was guessing on distance
    200 jump rope (faked)
    k2e on floor
    12 in box jumps
    20 lb squats
    assisted pu's

    felt like everything needed a mod on this!!!!

  42. 16:09.
    15 bpu 35 gpu
    8 in jump ups
    200 jumps w no rope
    5 pull ups regular, rest with chair assist
    30 pound squats with dumbells

  43. 16:09.
    15 bpu 35 gpu
    8 in jump ups
    200 jumps w no rope
    5 pull ups regular, rest with chair assist
    30 pound squats with dumbells

  44. 17:56
    Made it through 19 boy pushups before collapsing.. then gpu
    200 jump rope
    KTE on bar, more like knees to waist.
    45# front squat
    25 jump up pull ups.


  45. 17:41. 40 walking lunges, 200 pretend jump ropes (d Yuon't have a jump rope), did 10 knees to belly on bar the rest laying down, had to jump up lower slowly amd gpu's. Did it faster than I thougjt I woul!! YAY! Now time for a brisk walk!!! My body missed the workout on Sunday, I guess it thought Friday's wasm't hard enough!!

  46. 24:01

    Gpu, jump rope, knees to waist, pull ups with assist, front squat with 30# (have a pregnancy lifting restriction), step touches for box jumps (healing a foot stress fracture).

  47. 19:14 with gpus, 200 jump rope, 12" box, and 30lb squats. Pull ups were assisted by a small jump.

  48. I modified similar to Heather for my continued shin pain…going tomorrow for an x-ray to check for stress fracture 🙁

    15:00 for

    25 presses
    25 gpu
    25 back extensions
    25 kte on floor
    25 bicep curls
    25 tricep dips
    25 jump ups (landing only on good leg)
    50 cfsu

  49. 11:30, had to sub the pullups for another 50 pushups

  50. First day back since forest fire…

    19:30 with following modifications:

    100 ft lunge as rx (wood hallway is 35 ft)

    50 girl pushups with lots of stops

    200 jump ropes with stops

    only 10 knees to nowhere near elbows

    50 step ups and down (abs too sore for box jump)

    25 squats with only 20lb

    25 chair assisted pull ups

    50 regular sit ups

  51. 20 min on the dot
    was feeling it today! needed breaks at each half ways point
    40 lunges steps instead of walking
    push ups from knees and are took me the most time!
    200 jump rope
    K2E on floor
    30# squats (all I have at the moment)
    pull ups from lower bar (this is the most I've ever done at once!)

  52. 17:12 Did run ups/step ups for box jumps, about 20 of push ups were gpu. very assisted pull ups and floor k2e. I also had to alternate between about 1/2 of the exercises to get all reps in but I did get them in. (oh did the 200 jump ropes)

  53. 26:22

    200 jump rope,
    KTE on floor
    Step up to second stair on my staircase
    40 lb squats for 5 then rest 20#
    tricep dips on bench for pullups

    I'm wiped.

  54. 13:42
    k2e on floor
    200 jumprope
    pull-ups assisted

  55. 17:4
    K2e on floor
    200 jump rope
    Jumping pull ups
    40 cfsu, 10 crunches

  56. 14:48

    gpu – 30 then 20 more at end of wo
    200 jump rope
    ktoe – 10 on bar rest on floor
    12' box
    20 pounds for front squats
    jumping pull ups
    v-sit crunches (16 weeks preg. didn't want to be on back to long)

  57. 21:15
    18" box (new!–hubby made it)
    40# front squats
    200 jump ropes (what's a double under?)
    Assisted K2E and pullups with foot on step

  58. 17:09
    200 jump rope
    knee push-ups
    pull ups with band
    Did the lunges at the beginning but forgot to start the timer so started it and added the lunges at the end too.

  59. 18:43. 200 jump rope, band asstd pullups, 45# front squats.

  60. 17:38
    all BPU, KTB on bar, 30 step-ups 20 box jumps, 25# front squats, jumping pull ups

  61. 20:30 25 bpu 25 gpu 70# assist on 1st 8 pu then 85 on remainder. After a cycling class.

  62. Andrea, double-unders are when you jump up once and the rope goes under your feet twice.

  63. 16:17

    200 JR
    13" Box Jump
    20# front squat
    5 attempted pull ups (about half way!!)l 20 jumping

  64. I must have messed up my time didnt post. Im too tired 2 rewrite

    20:04 some modifications

    felt like I was stuck in tar!

  65. 19:28, compared to 18:27, I am impressed with my improvement considering this was much harder than the one originally posted.
    boy pu's
    double under's (they take me forever but I did them!)
    21" box
    55# front squats
    jumping pull ups

  66. 17:14 with modifications GPU floor k2e, 10# squats, modified pullup

  67. Run 1 mile
    I stopped my timer so about 13 minutes
    6 k2e on the bar
    Jumping pull-ups and no weight on squats compared to 16:10 previously

  68. 11:55
    200 jump rope
    Step ups for box jumps
    Assisted pull ups
    Standing KTE for sit ups
    20 weeks pregnant

  69. I did this today.
    time: 26:46
    All boys Push-ups
    18" box jumps
    Knees to chest
    Assisted pull ups

  70. 20ish minutes, doing the modified version.

  71. 20:30 7 BPUs then the rest girly. Jumped without rope, pull ups were done on Total Gym top pin.

  72. Push-ups – girls
    200 jump ropes
    Knees to Elbows on floor
    Box Jumps – 12" box
    Skipped pull ups
    Felt super worn down… 🙁
    TIME: 16:43.1

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