
Friday 04.19.13

3 rounds for time of:
20 Front squats, 40 lbs
20 Push-ups
30 Butterfly sit-ups
20 Leg lifts

Compare to 01.12.12


  1. 10 min run

    11:17 STRUGGLED with this Friday WOD and only used 10lbs

  2. 14:30 didn't realize till I finished WOD, that I forgot to add weight with my squats, but even without it I struggled big time legs and arms were not my friends got to do a serious stretch sessions now!

  3. 14:03 as RXd…with some 3 year old daughter interventions added in. 😉

  4. 15:38. 30# (all I have) 5 bpu (hooray! First time), rest gpu. I am totally beat from this week! TGIF 🙂

  5. 12:48 as rxd except 30# squats (all I have…I really need to get some 20# dumbbells lol!!)

  6. 6:10
    30lb front squats
    Standing alternate knee to elbow for sit ups
    No leg lifts
    17 weeks pregnant

  7. 12:03
    All bpu attempted
    2-20lb bags rice for front squats
    Leg lifts were hardest for me today!

  8. 9:59…..holy moly. my goal was under 10 and i did not think i was going to make it…..45 lb squat, all boy push ups

  9. Well the wod got done!! Took all the kids to the park and got it completed, didn't track time.

  10. 11:59 20# front squats, and GPU. I can feel myself getting stronger. What a great feeling.

  11. 11:57…all as rx'd except did only five bpu, the rest all gpu
    Tough WOD!!

  12. Well the wod got done!! Took all the kids to the park and got it completed, didn't track time.

  13. 10:44 20 lbs squats rest as rx'd. All regular push ups. Yeah for me!!

  14. I am sure this should be ovious but what do u mean by leg lifts? In the bar? One leg at a time on your side? I am so sore from this week! Hamstrings are screaming.

    1. Leg lifts, as I understand, are lying on the floor bring in both legs to 90 degrees and lowering. It's an ab exercise.

  15. 11:04
    45lb front squat
    1st round: 15 BPU – 5 GPU
    2ND: 11BPU- 9 GPU
    3RD: 9 BPU- 11 GPU

  16. 7:55, 20lbs compared to 7:21. Last time I used 10 lbs and did regular sit-ups, I'm guessin thts the difference in time…

  17. 14:23. Had to split the last set of pushups to half toe, half knee. This whole week has been brutal in the pushup dept. Whoa! Rest as rx'd.

  18. 10:51 as rx'd, boy push ups. I lost count and thought I may have done an extra set of push ups, so if that's the case it was 10:15. Who knows…but my arms are dead! 🙂

  19. 15:07 I have a cold and I didn't want to do this wod at all, but I did it as rx'd. Hooray for me!

  20. 12:30 Much slower than last time, but I had been doing leg lifts wrong. Those were HARD!

  21. 10:50, gpu, 5 lb weights to get my shoulder back into shape and had to do crunches as swinging my arms started to hurt my shoulder. Hoping for my weekend recovery to nurse this injury! Loved it! Taking two days off for an injury felt like a lifetime!

  22. 15:08 (4:46, 5:02, 5:19). Man….saw this WOD and thought "I can rock this shit. This looks easy". Oh, the mamas have the last laugh. I struggled, whined to myself but finished. Next week ill start setting goal time. I obviously have too much extra breath to whine and too much time to do it in. Happy Friday…don't forget your weekend yoga, mamas.

  23. 12:30 as RX'd. First time ever doing 40lb front squats, super proud of me!!! Happy Friday!

  24. gah! more push ups, this has made just looking at that word make me want to puke! 🙂

  25. 13:27
    Girl push ups otherwise as rx'd!
    Immediately following yesterday's wod…exhausted!!!

  26. 14:38 45# bar
    each round 10 boy pu then 10 girl pu
    Looking forward to the day I can do sit-ups faster. I'm so slow at them, but I feel them working!
    Thank you! and HAPPY FRIDAY 🙂

  27. 13:05 – Leg lifts were killer and slowed down my sit-ups on the 2nd & 3rd rounds!

    44# front squats

    So glad I can finally do weighted squats and CrossFit sit-ups without stopping! At least, whenever it's "20" each round! Y'all have a good weekend! 🙂

  28. 11:50 36# squats
    all gpu
    tough sit ups and leg lifts

  29. 17:08
    GPU everything else as Rx'd
    Didn't have time for yesterday's WOD so I did this one immediately after yesterday's…that was tough…but glad I got them both done!

  30. 10:57 with 30lbs and gpus. Hips crack on the way down and back up with leg lifts.. yikes!

  31. 18:13 modified

    1st round: 30# fs, 4 bpu rest flu
    2nd : 30# for10, then 20# for 10, 3 boy, rest gpu

    3rd: 30# for 10, 20# for ten, all gpu

    Cfsu and leg lifts as rx'd

  32. 9:30, 30# fronts squats, knee ins instead of cf sit up, gpu. Whew!!

  33. 50 lb squats (oops I need to pay more attention to detail, I didn't do front squats)
    Ran 3km just before

  34. It took me 20 minutes. I had to make some modifications. Front squats I used a total of 36 lbs (two 10 and two 8 lbs), all gpu (but I did notice I could do more than usual YAY!!), did all CFSU except for 2nd round I did half oblique and 3rd round 5 obligue, leg lifts I had to use bended knees (very weak lower back) and the last 10 I had to raise my legs to ceiling. I am proud of what I did!! Thank You!!!!

  35. 8:34 as rxd. Thanks for another great wod. Have a good weekend!

  36. Took a rest day yesterday, completed this WOD today. 13:14 with major mods. Just not strong enough yet to do as Rx'd.

    Squats – 1st rnd 40#, next 2 20#
    PU – 1 & 2 rnd gpu, 3rd rnd high plank for 30
    sit ups – 20 reps each round: 1 & 2 rnd tried as rx'd, rnd 3 bent knee to chest (on back)
    leg lifts – strgt leg toe to ceiling

  37. 10:29.
    20lb front squats, 10lb last round. Girl pushups last 2 rounds. Thought those leg lifts were going to kill me for sure.

  38. forgot to post yesterday: 14:34 30# dumbells, all GPUs. On the last rep of leg lifts I got five in and started to fail, tried to do a few more and just couldn't. Loving these workouts. I'm sore and it feels great! Thank you.

  39. 18:08
    50 lbs front squats
    and all BPU
    This is my first time with 50 lbs. 🙂
    Thank you

  40. 19:46
    I may have been slow but I did ALL mil push ups for the first time ever (usually grit out about 25 and switch to knees). I think my sit ups were the slowest bit, though, honestly.
    30# squats bc that's the most I have. Felt a LOT diff than air squats, for sure.

  41. Did this today with modifications. 55# squats, and planks for the ab work.


  42. 19:14

    40# squats – went down as deep as I could without falling over backward lol
    bent legs on leg lifts

    Followed with 20 min on treadmill, brisk walking with incline

  43. First timer: 16:09 with stops in between each set. Wow really hard

  44. 15:13……my phone sucks at letting me leave comments!

  45. 15:07
    Pacing a new Crossfit Mama and helping her through the rounds.
    As RXed (at a slower pace :).

  46. 15:35

    skipped fri and sat, did this sun
    30lb squats
    knee push ups (which are looking better!)
    CFSU with feet under chair for last set
    leg lifts with pillow under backside to hold on to so I didn't slip.

  47. 12:14
    30 lbs on squats
    all regular push-ups
    really struggled with the leg lifts at the end!
    ran 3 miles before
    (did it Sunday since I was out of town Friday)

  48. Better late than never, finally got to it Sunday night.
    11:58 with 45# bar for squats and 1/2 of push up were gpu.
    2 mile run after.

  49. squats and lunges are really hurting my shin so did bicep curls instead of squats, tried 3 bpu then did all gpu, some crunches towards the end

  50. 10.10 half girl push ups…completed night of 4/21…sinus infection all weekend made it hard to breathe, still sore from Wednesdays dead lifts!

  51. 9:12 Used unloaded 45# bar for front squats, GPU

  52. 11:48 2 10 lb dumbbells for squats, gpu

  53. 13:05
    wow. taking a break for nearly 2 weeks and going on a Hawaiian vacay did NOT help my WOD time :/

    Oh well, back in the saddle now!

    Did 46.5# squats for first 2 rounds, then only 20# for last round
    rest as rx'd

  54. 3 rounds for time of:
    20 Front squats, 40 lbs
    20 Push-ups
    30 Crossfit sit-ups
    20 Leg lifts

  55. 12:08
    changed from 40 lb to 20 lb halfway
    girl pu
    knees to chest for sit ups

  56. 16:35. SO TIRED, today. But will not give in to caffeine. 🙂 40# squats, all bpu. Blessings!

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