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Thursday 04.18.13
3 rounds, 15-12-and 9 reps, for time of:
Thrusters, 20 lbs (total)
Knees to elbows/Push-ups/Pull-ups (assisted as necessary)
The workout will look like this:
Round 1:
15 Thrusters
15 KTE
12 Thrusters
12 KTE
9 Thrusters
Round 2:
Repeat round 1 but with push-ups for KTE
Round 3:
Repeat round 1 but with pull-ups for KTE
Post time to comments.
no caffeine
no soda
19:44 had to sub for pull ups no pull up bar, did biscep curls and hanging tricep pulls with 10# dumbells for each set of pull-ups I was suppose to do. And knees to elbow on the floor. Can barely move my arms this was a total jelly arm work out. Are there any arm stretches u can recommend?? Or even all over body stretching? Legs still tight from the deadlifts from yesterday…
I would recommend looking on you tube for a yoga video for runners, there are lots of short ones and it will give you a great stretch!
Awesome, will do, thanks Jen!!
11:03 with modifications. Round 3 set 12 and 9 did 10# total thrusters and did triceps dips on bench for pull ups.
Does anyone have any suggestions for pull up alternatives to improve strength so I can eventually do a pull up? My upper body is weak and I cannot do a pull up to save my life. 🙂
Thanks and happy Thursday!
Using a resistance band is a good alternative. Use as skinny as one as possible (takes off the least amount if weight). I do kipping pull ups. I am sure their is a demo video on them. You need to have a really strong/secure bar in order to do them . Keep trying. Even if you can only do 1 or 2 pull ups at a time you will benefit from doing the "real thing" and having your WODs take longer. You will get stronger.
But I believe I got mixed on reps and did 21-15 on one round.
KTE on bar
Pullups were jump up to bar and go down slowly. (Amy-that's one modification) you could try)
12:12. It was ugly. My pull ups and KTEs need some work!
Kte on bar, 10bpu and rest gpu
Pull-ups assisted with band.
Wow! Arms are shaking!!
Muscle moms in the morning- Katie, Heidi, Donna, Tatum
11:34 assisted pull ups, KTE on floor
15:00. Don't really know as my timer shut off. Going by time in gym and then out. Darn! Knees to elbow on floor after first set. Assisted pull ups.
13:01 round 1 set 15- real KtE, rest on floor
Round 2 set 15- did 3 real pull ups (yay) rest chair assisted
Push ups and thrusters as rxd….wow!
Two 10# dumbbells
KTE on floor
Boy push ups
Assisted pull ups- those are so hard!!!! :/
20# thrusters, floor K2E
20# thrusters, gpu
20# thrusters, chair assist pull ups
9:39 with 15 lbs., gpu's round two, and 30 min run
11:20 20#thrusters round 2&3 modified k2e GPU and assisted pull ups
11:55 having trouble typing this because my arms are shaky 🙂
k2e on floor
girl pu's
last round did planks
10:17, 20# thruster, k2e on floor, boy pu's, and last round did dips instead of pullups. Working on pullups at the gym with assistance.
10:53 Did my sad little kind-of pull-ups first round, then K2E's on the floor last round.
K2E on bar 🙂 but more like knees to waist
Chair assist pull-ups.
8#db for thrusters (arms are still tired from yesterday!)
k2e on floor
bench dips for pull ups
Jump up and slow down for pull ups
Kne on floor
Assisted pull ups
Great workout-arms are jelly!
10:40 as rx'd, I do pull ups assisted with toes on a ledge
20 lbs.
Chair assisted pull-ups
KTE on ground first 12 BPU THEN GPU (I was pretty tight from yesterdays PU) then pull ups on my back using a rack & bar. I don't have a pull up bar but the hubby is figuring out how to put one up for me.
Later have 3-4 mile run pushing double stroller.
30# thrusters
66# assist pu
11:50 all pushups on toes and after yesterday I was SLOW. But I percervered. I did reverse pull ups under my dining room table. TOUGH!
8:42 as rx'd. kte on bar. first 5 pull ups were real/standard. remaining were jump up, slow down.
Pull ups & K2E with chair
Nice one!!!! ;D
15:46 Rx'd
Pu with band
Thrusters as rx'd all rounds
First 15 Kte on bar, rest on floor
Chair-assisted pull-ups
18:40 with LOTS of interruptions from my little ones 🙂
14:19 all gpu's, very modified pull ups, did my best at KTE's but it looked pretty sad
45 lb thrusters
perscribed kte
pushups on knees
chair assisted pull ups.
25# thrusters
k2e on bar- still need a lot of work
jumping pull-ups
3 mile run
40lb Thrusters
KTE on bar
all boy push ups
kipping pullups unassisted
20# thrusters
KTE, bpu, pull ups- jump up and slow lower down
9:44 No bar so floor KTE GPU and modified pull ups
Since my shoulder is out of commission I will be doing the day one workout! Running won't affect this!
Since my shoulder is out of commission I will be doing the day one workout! Running won't affect this!
9:19 as rx'd. KTE on bar, chair assisted pull ups. 20lbs thrusters. I can barely feel my forearms, that was rough!
11:06, KTE on floor, used TRX suspension for pull ups
7:29 modified. I'm saving my legs for a half marathon on Saturday, so I did push press instead of thrusters, k2e on floor, and bench dips instead of pull ups. Still worked my arms like crazy, but I'm asking for a bar for Mother's Day!
K2E on floor
Reverse pull ups
I need a pull up bar!
30lb thrusters, toes to bar, gpus, and pull ups assisted with a small jump/ push off the ground
11:56 but had to do KTE on floor and bicep curls with 16# for pull-ups (ordered my pull-up bar this week!). Thank you Jenni! This is only my 2nd week of doing Crossfit every day and I can already see that my stomach is tighter and I'm firming up! The shakes really help too.
13:41 kte on floor. assisted pull ups. gpu. so hard!
Jump up slow down for pull ups
Thrusters as rx,
KTE on the floor
sub bent arm hang for pull-ups. I can't get more than one assisted pull up at this point, but I'm working toward it.
17:55 with reps as specified (each round: 7:03, 4:57, 6:01). I should be called modify girl today! Assisted pull-ups and girl push ups. Only week two…..
30 lbs on thrusters
chair assist on the KTEs and pull-ups
about 1/2 of the pull-ups and KTEs were reverse grip
15 KTE bar, the rest floor
Real push ups
Asstd pull ups
15:30, knees to waist on bar, gpus, negative pull ups on bar
10:47, K2e on floor, gpu, assisted pu
45# thrusters
K2E on bar
incline or gpu
assisted pull-ups
***With modifications (No bar @ home)
*First 4 sets 40# thrusters, all the rest 20#
*KTE on floor
*First 2 or 3 pushups of each set bpu, all the rest gpu.
*subbed chair-dips for pull-ups.
3.5 mi. run pre-workout.
So frustrated! Somehow my garmin stopped at 1:58 and I didn't notice until I started round 3 :(. stopped my timer at 5:54 missing the whole second round and part of the first. Good workout anyway! Have a great day!
11:09 10# grandma k2e on bar, pull downs.
I guess I'm slow…
45# thruster
Knees to shoulders
boy push ups
jumping pull ups
Did a wod last night with a total of 42 thrusters @ 65#, 50 pull ups and 50 push ups. I'm definitely feeling it today! 🙂
16# thrusters
K2E on floor
Assisted Pull ups on treadmill bar
12:25 with assisted pull ups. All else as required
12:25 as RX'd
Girl push-ups
Jump up, slow down pull ups
Didn't dip too low on thrusters because my legs are so sore from the last 3 days of deadlifts, lunges and squats!
10:22 KTE on floor
gpu's and pull-ups on treadmill.
Still shaky!!
well im a turtle crawling at granny
35# thrusters
k2e on bar
jumping pull ups
15 bpu
Jump up for pull ups
Thrusters 30#
KTE on the floor
pull-ups on treadmill bar
11:35. jumping up for the pullups, trying to go slowly down.
13.5 mostly gpus…sore from yesterday, assisted pull ups! Group weight class immediately afterwards! Wow! Ouch!
20# as rx'd for thrusters, KTE but could only get my knees up to about my mid-section, gpu, used a chair for support for pull-ups.
I needed a cardio day, so I did the following:
3 rounds of:
Run 400 meters
20 Squats
I ran the entire 400 meters on round 1!! Rounds 2 & 3 – I ran 6 blocks, walked 4 blocks, ran 6 blocks. SO happy with the improvement in my running! 🙂
Assisted pull ups
Thrusters with 15lb KB
20# thrusters
knees to waist
pushups as rx'd
assisted pull ups
KNE on bar
Chair assisted pull ups
Thrusters as rx'd
Reverse pull-up on treadmill
Oh and KTE were really knees to waist
16.39- thrusters as Rx'd, KTE on floor, bicep curls w/ 20 lbs for pull-ups (no bar). Wow!
8:23 floor kte, all bpu, very much assisted pull ups
Almost puked on this one. No joke.
25lb dumbbells for thrusters, all reps
K2E all the way up, baby!
Chair assist on pull ups, just my tippy toes
Push Press instead of Thruster (can't squat)
Hollow rockers instead of pull ups. (knee)I can do pull up assisted it's just pretty dangerous if I fall with my knee being broken 🙂
Assisted pull up, all boy and 20# thrusters
AFTER Tuesdays and a 30 min spin
11:26, 20lb thrusters, kte on floor, modified pull up using bench 🙂
20# thrusters
knees to waist (first time not on floor – phew!)
push up from knees (these were s-l-o-w)
pull ups from a lower bar, with feet on the floor (resistant bands in the mail!)
Thanks for these workouts – 3 weeks in and I'm already feeling stronger! Can't wait to keep it up. Goal: to do one full pull up!
9:53 as rx'ed
jumping pullups
Had to do KTE on the floor for all three rounds. I'm still not cleared to do a lot of chest exercises
10:56. wow.
17:02 with major modifications. KTE were done on an incline bench (TotalGym). Don't have a pull up bar so these were also done on the Total Gym. Highest incline.
13:30 – 14#, kte on floor, gpu and jump up/lower downs
Knees to waist, girl push ups, assisted pull ups
12:35 half bpu, half gpu. Chair assisted pull ups
hanging but modified KTE
chair assist pull ups
This has officially been a week for me!! I am already feeling stronger and thankful for this blog and the motivation!!
11:30 as Rx'd except for pull ups… I modified with jumping pull ups.
12:30 mods: kte on floor, gpu (although they're barely more than a plank – that's why I'm building strength!), 30 second plank for pull ups (no bar).
9:51 as rx
I completely forogot to set my timer. I thought the KTE's woiuld be easy…LOL!! I had to do knees to waist!! For pull-ups I jad to jump up amd lower slowly…only I have no upper body strength and it wasn't very slow, but I still felt them!! And GPU's and adter I power walked for 1.25 miles.
13:50 thrusters have me fits today.
1st round 20#
2nd round 1/2 20# rest 16#
3rd round 1/2 16# rest 10#
Assited PU and pull ups
Don't know we're all my strength went today!
10:19. All gpu, knees to about waist, jump up slow down
What is knees to elbows? Do you hang from the bar and bring your knees up to your elbows or as high as possible???
You got it!
13:22 Did 2x1hr yoga today so already tired. 20# thrusters. K2E were ok on bar for all. Reg PUs slow. 1-leg assisted pull ups. Arms like jello now!
9:45 gpu, KTE on ground, 65lb lat pull downs instead of pull ups
11:29. Band asstd p/u. Kte-bar,bpu, thrusters as rxd
Girl push ups
Assisted pull ups
10:34 assisted pull ups
5k then 15:25
I'm tired.
30lbs thrusters
Assisted pull ups
13:00 as rx'd. 15 bpu, rest gpu. Assisted pull-ups with medium weight band (blue).
subbed high plank KTE for KTE
subbed plank for pull ups
11:30 as rx'd (bpu chest/body to floor & pu jump up/slow down)
P.S. knees to chest area-last round to stomach area
9:15 k2e on floor, subbed bicep curls and tricep press for pull ups…
Forgot to post yesterday. 8:32. KTE on floor, used pull up machine at gym
k2e on floor
very mod pu on bar
No bar so KTE on floor and subbed CFSU for pull ups and all boy push ups.
8:15 for TWO rounds only
all gpu
13# total on thrusters
It took me a while, pull-ups are really hard for me, I am doing just kipping and attempt of a pull-up.
40 lb thrusters
boys push ups
Super happy to be part of this group.
Hello from Alaska,
23:36 as rx'd
Thrusters as rx'd
K2E on the floor (I don't have a bar)
Assisted Pull-ups using treadmill handles
K2e on bar
Girl push ups
Assisted jump pull ups
I can tell there is improvement in my k2e and pull ups!! I'm a day late on this one. Maybe I'll tackle today's later!
Knees to elbows on the floor. Made it halfway through the second round and had to switch to 10lb thrusters. Girl pushups and tricep dips for pullups. Arms totally feel like jello now.
kte on floor, gpu, assisted pull ups
Ran 3 miles before
Modifications: Knees to chest instead of elbows, pull-ups on assisted machine with 70#. I will do at least 1 pull up on my own before this is over!
GPU & assisted pull ups…didn't get a chance to do this WOD yesterday but at least i did it today!
40# thrusters, K2E on floor, gpu's, kneeling pull ups with resistance bands. 15:36.
18:13 no pull-up bar did sit-ups. Forgot to post.
16:29 – Tough One!!!
KTE on floor
Pull-Ups on Treadmill
10# Thrusters
KTE on floor
30# lateral rows instead of pull ups
Forgot to time. Did first 2 rounds, KTE on floor had to anchor hands on some of last ones, all BPU
20# Thursters
KTE 1/2way
Chair assisted PU
K2Es from rings. I actually approached my elbows a few times! Then a few where I got a little ab curl followed by a whole bunch that were basically knee lifts.
25 mil push-ups (10/10/5) and the rest from knees.
Pull ups from arm of treadmill. There was some assist but not as much as in the past. I really gritted through it.
Hum, I left a comment but now cannot find it.
75# dl first five rounds. 65# dl last five rounds.
Very assisted pullups.
as rx'd
11:14 Gpu. Assisted pull-ups
10:46 pull ups on treadmill bar
Did this workout yesterday. Time was 19:13
No nearly as fast as some of you 😉
but did heavier weights & all boy push ups & real pull-ups.
1st round 45lb, 2nd 30lb, 3rd 30lb
This was TOUGH!!! I was BEAT!! No strength training today, just a run.
around 8 min…15lb KB thrusters, girl push ups, and assisted Pull ups.
KTE on floor
Assisted pull ups
8:29 with modifications
deadlifts instead of thrusters just for the second round.
girl push-ups.
assisted pull ups.
11:15.9 Girl Push ups all rounds (did Wed workout before this)
Did knees to waist for KTE
Did tricep dips and jumping pull ups for pull ups.
KTE and Pull Ups need ALOT of work! Getting a pull up assistance band ASAP!
Pat and Maria 15:24
Pat #65 – kte, band assisted pull ups
Maria – #30 -ktchest,all boy & band assisted pull ups
9:50 with assisted pullups
I'm going to do this one today since it doesn't have any running!
Ran 3.5 miles, then 13:13 – KTE on floor, gpu, #15 kettlebell bench row (rx'd reps on each side) instead of pull-ups (no bar)
k2e on floor
reverse pull-ups
11:18, with KTE done on dip stand, 20# thrusters, all bpu, and assisted pull ups. Arms be burnin'! Feels great!