Rounds | Uncategorized | WOD
Thursday 03.07.13
3 rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
20 Sit-ups
12 Thrusters, 20lbs
Compare to 01.02.12
no caffeine
no caffeine
no soda
only fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce refined sugar intake
drink at least 3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
get 8 hours of sleep
15 lb thrusters (med. ball)
18:26. This cold is getting me tired quickly. Winded at 8:34 pace for 800.
15lb thrusters
23:37 as rx'd.
Treadmill run
Tore my ACL and my meniscus flipped into my knee joint. Surgery today. I will be back modifying ASAP! I will miss you mamas everyday!!!!'
Good luck with your surgery today!
Heather! Here's to a speedy recovery!
I think we've seen… There is no stopping you! Wait! Isn't that how we got here? 🙂
Heather–Good luck with your surgery. My 15 year old daughter is 5 weeks post surgery from tearing her ACL is a HS basketball game. She is on the mend. REST and ICE.
21:21 as rx'd
23:00 as rx's
Can anyone tell me the difference between thrusters and push press feel like I am doing the same thing. Please help! Lol.
Michelle V.
Thrusters are a full front squat then you press it over your head. PP is just a dip (slight bend of knees) and drive (press overhead)
Thanks Jen Roe. I guess you can tell I am a newbie.
15:24 as rx'd
25 # thrusters
30# thrusters
3 mile run
22:47 as rx'd
Missed yesterday because me knee was really sore from walking lunges on Tuesday. Will do Wed.'s on Sat.
Used my bike for 5 minutes for each 800 m run. Otherwise as Rx'd.
18:22 as rx'd
Ran 4 miles then
800m row (this is harder for me than running)
40lbs thruster
Good workout–looking forward to my massage today. My glutes and quads are still feeling the lunges.
Jen Roe- me too!! My 4 year old spanked my butt and I almost cried. Totally butt sore….literally!!
11:21, but subbed 200 jacks and high knees for run due to sleeping baby. 20 min aerobic dvd also.
16:12 pushing the girls in the double jogger. Compared to 17:50.
did the workout posted on 1/29 that I missed while sick – a killer but one that I have been wanting to try
17:05 and dripping!
20:20, modified. Good luck on surgery Heather!
19:48, 16lb thrusters
21:57. Wanted under 20 but all well. Still ran the whole time so I'm happy.
25:36… Hopefully I will kill it next time around.
10lb dumb bells for thrusters
Run portion on treadmill
I've been following along for about 2 weeks now,and only just realized I should be posting my times. Derp. I did 18:42, but defs should have upped my weights. I think I could have done at least 30 lb thrusters.
14:40 but 15 lb thrusters. Must buy 20# weights!
16:14 but had to rest for 1 min between rounds so total of 18:14
Compare to 18:48
18:37, subbed thrusters for push press, 24lbs.
Still fighting cold/achy crap 🙁
26 lbs, 12 kg thrusters
16:06 as rxed after Wednesdays WOD…loved it!
19:38 as rx'ed
Anybody have tips on breathing techniques while running??? That is definitely my biggest barrier!
Lea-I've always really focused on fully exhaling. I try to time my breathing with my pace-like inhale for 1 to 2 steps in nose then exhale for 2 to 3 steps through the mouth. Basically, when I'm needing to regroup during a run I over-emphasize the exhale. Sometimes I exhale in strong puff like efforts through pursed lips…controlled but to ensure I've emptied my lungs before inhaling again. I'm not an expert AT ALL, but that's what's done it for me for years 🙂
Ok question when you say thrusters 20 lbs is that 20 lb total or 20 lb for each dumbbell?
Erin- always total weight.
Decided to mix it up since I did a sprint workout yesterday and used the elliptical. Bad decision! Felt like I was running through mud and it really extended my time. Oh well, good workout. 30:30 with 24# thrusters.
23:17. I'm tired of comparing my old pre-baby times and being reminded of how much I suck still!
3×800 Airdyne for each round
35# thrusters
19:31 45# thrusters
First one back after 10 days w/ bronchitis. Wasn't pretty, but I did it.
8:32 subbed 100 jump jacks for each run due to lack of time.
Erin – 20 lbs total
Okay – so I have the worst time again, but I DID IT! I actually ran more than I walked so THAT is progress for me! I had no trouble with situps and thrusters, except I would just lay in the floor trying to breathe before I could start my situps! lol – I kept picturing that shirt from the other day's picture – You'll pass out before you die! lol
24# thrusters
The only person you should compete with is yourself, and the fact that you finished makes you awesome! Good work!!!
Weight bar for thrusters (first time, so I wanted to focus on form)
Switched to crunches halfway through 2nd set
This was my first crossfit mamas workout (well, first crossfit period) and my goal was to make it under 30 min and I did! Feels awesome!
Sucking wind today! Running is not my forte! But WOD was as RX'd!
I'm with Berta….had to pant a bit before I started the sit-ups!
Still so so sore! Love a sore butt = awesome butt! 🙂
16:22…super butt burn! But after 4 weeks of really working out I'm really starting to see some difference… so is the hubs! 🙂
50# thrusters
GHD sit ups
18:17 as rx'd
17:54 !!!!!
Can u tell I'm stoked?!
Noticing a huge difference in my running.
20# thrusters, focused on good form.
East Coast getting it in.
29.32 elliptical
I am for the first time ever excited about the prospect of running on the local track once its clear of multiple feet of snow. Hoping it helps my time.
28.12 using 12 pound dumbbells and running to 1st BS stop sign…love this workout!
15:10 with 30 lb thrusters and CFSUs. Saw an owl while running! So cool!
20:15 with 30# thrusters.
Fighting sickness so I'll have to pick this one up on Saturday. Butt is still ridiculously sore from Tuesday!!
not as bad as i thought it would be, in fact during the run was the best my legs have felt in 36 hrs-go figure:)
hardest part was getting up and down for situps and pp
10:35 stationary bike 800m, rest as rx'd
Subbed yogalaties class. My legs are still soo sore from the lunges!
21:20, thanks to this blog my running has tremendously improved. Thank you so much for posting these daily!!
17:21 I have had a hard time staying motivated this last week due to winter storms and meetings. But spring is around the corner now and I can't wait!
15:20 as rx'd
12:30 for two rounds. Got a late start and ran out of time
20.59 after 1 and 1/2 hours shoveling… With a cold. Not bad!
First-timer – 37:33 with 30 reps of 6lbs for thrusters (only weights I have).
18:50. Had to sub 5 min on bike trainer for runs.
22:00 as rx'd
19:45 with 50# thrusters.
10lb for Thrusters.
18:13 as rx'd
21:31. Pretty sluggish today, but did it.
Under 20? Forgot to stop my time at the end
10 and 8 lbs for thrusters.
Took the day off for my birthday.
19:21 Felt really strong on run….waiting for my new weights to arrive. 🙂
As rx'd
18:45, I have to quit forgetting to post my times!
forgot to post my time
15:42 unbroken @ 45 lbs 🙂
21:52, treadmill, 30# thrusters. Great day for this workout!
Pat – #65
Maria – #30
20:05. 1st 800m on treadmill, 2nd on rowing machine, 3rd on stair climber due to what was available at the gym.
31 minutes. Still trying. Thanks for posting the workouts!