1. Soon I'm off to cross country ski tracks to complete today's and Wednesday's WODs! These will be tons of people due to the 'Skiing holiday'. I'm anxious to see their Faces and Hesari their comments while I do pull ups and burpees with my skis on 😀 talk about cross fit!

    This week has been a real challenge since my husband is on a business trip and we've had so many running WODs. I cannot do them with the kids or during their nap time…

    Still battling with the not eating after 8 pm…

  2. Snow days here in St. Louis area. Used treadmill but while I was on my 5th round my family joined me in the basement so I stopped after 5 rounds because I was afraid my 2 year old daughter would try the treadmill. "Mama-you're sweaty!"

  3. 11:24 400m on stationary bike(is winter over yet?!) rest as rx'd. Thanks!!!

  4. I am very new to this… I am in the Army and wanted something to push myself to reach the maximum score on the fitness test. I am loving it!!! I feel a little faster and stronger each day! 20:58

  5. Sorry to have to sit this one out. Strained my achilles and calf yesterday. Ice and rest again today. Hope to start up Monday again.

  6. 4.5 rounds in 20 minutes. That's all I had time for today.

  7. Third day of crossfit for me… Loving it so far!

    26 minutes even. It's a hot morning here in FL, glad I got it out of the way before the afternoon sun hits.

  8. The burpees slowed me down so much between intervals- but I haven't run so far in forever and I didn't give up! Super proud of my 34:12 🙂

  9. Well its blowing a small hurricane here so I am leaving this for tomorrow when its giving light winds.

    I did Annie and Arnie this morning instead..let's just say I SUCK at Turkish getups! good workout tho!

    enjoy the weekend everyone!

  10. 18:59 – I love burpees – said no one EVER! LOL. great workouts this week!

  11. 16:13
    I find that I don't hate burpees nearly as much now that I have the proper technique…
    Or maybe I'm just stronger…
    Or maybe I'm just imagining that hottie being my personal burpee coach and cheering me on the whole time…. 😉

    1. I need to find out your technique so I can not hate burpees as much.

    2. Haha Britta!
      There is a great video posted Aub, watch it twice, once to check out the cutie, the second to learn technique! 🙂
      I was at my moms overnight, so since I had no equipment or outdoor running gear, I went back and did the 100 burpees!
      Time was 10:05 🙂
      Im starting to hate them less……. Slowly

  12. 17:30 I can't say I love burpees, but I can say that I'm getting better at them. Have a great weekend, Mamas!

  13. 18:37. I pushed the girls in the jogger for the run and then came home and did 60 burpees. I know it's not the same as breaking it up but, it how I could get it done today 🙂
    Happy Friday!

  14. 23:48

    I hate burpees & my arms are still killing me from the pullups the other day. Had to walk out some of those burpees.

  15. 23:28. Gave up on burpees today. Did 30burpees and then 30pushups and 30cfsu

  16. 18 min,
    Free Style XC skiing 700 m and burpees with skis on – yes it can be done 😀

  17. 23:22, i certainly hate burpees less as well. I wonder if i can go back thru wods and figure out how many i've done in the past 6 months. running is still my nemesis, but getting better. I've shaved 2 full minutes off my mile in 6 months.

    the hubs did it in 18:36 today. show off. hmph

  18. 17:58 The burpees are getting better! (Note to my future self: I ran around the house for 2 minutes on each round instead of going outside to run the 400m. However, to be honest with ourselves, it probably would've taken us more than 2 minutes to run that 400 meters. So when you do this again, keep in mind that the burpees took about 1 minute to complete each round. Try to beat that and just do your best on the running.

  19. 26:53. Oh Lord, I really dislike burpees and I seriously need to work on my runs. Whew.

  20. 19:46
    Goal was 20 🙂 happy that's over. I'm dripping! Have a good weekend everyone

  21. It's been raining here- so I did the January 25 2013 WOD:)

  22. Could not bring myself to venture out in the rain/wind for the run.
    Instead I did the workout from 1/25 that I missed while sick…3 rounds of 20 front squats (40 lb) and 50 jump rope = 5:01
    Finished with 5 minutes of plank variations to give my abs something to cry about.

  23. 18:58
    I did 3 rounds with burpees and then three round with PU. I kept slipping on the gravel with my burpees, thought I was going to fall.
    I had a bi-polar relationship with this workout.
    I had a love hate with this sucker! Right now I'm back at hate because my calves are screaming, but I think that's because I'm still breaking in my new minimalist shoes.
    Thanks again and have a great weekend!

  24. 15:48

    Kasey- tell your "show off" hubby that I beat him by 3 minutes. 😉 #humblepie

  25. 13:54… I am thinking I didn't do 6 rounds… I was at a 6.5 speed on the treadmill.

  26. 21:05 – better form on the burpees when I do them in short groups.

  27. 25:54

    wow felt so much stronger on my burpees. Still a walk run to slow down my times…but I finished…woot

  28. 21:59
    Walk out burpees for the last round,
    Then did yesterday's wod (18 box steps, 15 knee to elbows, 12 push ups in 20 min) — did 5 rounds in 8 minutes (ran out of time)

  29. Did tuesdays WOD today. Hoping to do this one tomorrow 🙂 Not taking the weekend off! 🙂 Only just over 7 weeks til MAUI!! eek

  30. 20:52
    Love these running wods, going to do a half marathon in May with my brother so they are great for training!
    Jenni, did you beat Britta?? You are fast!! 🙂

  31. 23:43
    This was hard! burpees on the road are every bit as embarassing as pushups! gotta love when people stop to ask what you are doing! Don't they know that messes up my time??? lol

  32. Jen Morse- I did beat her!! I didn't even notice!!! 🙂

  33. 22:39 This was a psychological challenge for me. Burpees & running! I dominated the burpees! Good form for all 60!

  34. 21:08 had to wait till sat. Because my legs hurt so much from this weeks wods! Good feeling!

  35. 16:00? I'm guessing on my time, honestly. I was working out in the midst of my husband doing construction in our room & my timer was moved twice & reset.

  36. 20:00
    I'm sure I looked funny to cars passing by when I stopped for my burpees. (And I think I have a crush on the burpee video guy!)

  37. Subbed stadium stairs for the run.
    2 rows up/down then 10 burpees for 6 rounds…9:54

    2 rows up/down then 20 dips for 6 rounds…8:36

    2 rows up/down then 20 leg raises…7:30

  38. Subbed stadium stairs for the run.
    2 rows up/down then 10 burpees for 6 rounds…9:54

    2 rows up/down then 20 dips for 6 rounds…8:36

    2 rows up/down then 20 leg raises…7:30

  39. 18:08. Fun! My 4-yr old waited in the driveway for me to get back from run & counted my burpees – ha!

  40. 18:08. Fun! My 4-yr old waited in the driveway for me to get back from run & counted my burpees – ha!

  41. 24 minutes….it was cold outside today and was not feeling it…but got though it.

  42. I forgot to start my timer for the first round plus the second run. It was probably around 20 min. Still don't know if I'm doing burpees exactly right but I see the difference in what I was doing and what I'm doing now.
    Back and tri exercises and some abs afterwards.

  43. 22:17
    Had to rest quite a bit between running and burpees.

  44. 22:17
    Had to rest quite a bit between running and burpees.

  45. 22:33. Yowsah.

    Burpee form is much improved from when we started this challenge (and my first crossfit). That is motivating and makes me hate them less.

    Run speed is e v e r s o s l o w l y improving, too. I can't maintain at 7:30pace for more than a couple 400s but it's progress!

  46. 22:33. Yowsah.

    Burpee form is much improved from when we started this challenge (and my first crossfit). That is motivating and makes me hate them less.

    Run speed is e v e r s o s l o w l y improving, too. I can't maintain at 7:30pace for more than a couple 400s but it's progress!

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