Friday 02.01.13
5 Knees to elbows
10 Deadlifts,40lbs
15 Butterfly sit-ups
50 Jump jacks
5 Knees to elbows
10 Deadlifts,40lbs
15 Butterfly sit-ups
100 Jump jacks
5 Knees to elbows
10 Deadlifts,40lbs
15 Butterfly sit-ups
150 Jump jacks
5 Knees to elbows
10 Deadlifts,40lbs
15 Butterfly sit-ups
200 Jump jacks
Compare to 12.19.11
Dislocated my wobbly shoulder in the jumping jacks. I get it back on its place on my own and without pain. Never done so many jumping jacks in my life!
13:08. I agree with you Hanna V. Have a nice Friday everyone!
16:31. K2E on the floor.
15:15 K2E on the floor, great workout, thank you!
13:21 Yay!
15:27 k2e on floor, 30lb deadlifts. My feet hurt from that many! Sheesh!
15:19 happy Friday!
13:41 k2e on floor
10:58. Did 16lb deadlifts b/c I only have 8 lb handweights. Kind of bummed about that but can't get to the gym today.
I'm ok with the no alcohol, but I'm super happy that it doesn't go into effect until the Monday AFTER Super Bowl!
Exactly what I was thinking!
Go Niners!
12.34 only 20lb DL but did 15 each round
As rx'd except for ran in place/high knees/butt kicks for the 200 jacks bc of side pain
13:21 K2E on floor (5 each side), 45# bar for deadlifts, modified jacks and situps for my belly but still did same number. My 7 year old daughter did this with me and wanted me to tell you she gave today's WOD a thumbs up. No alcohol: awesome. easy.
Thanks for a great week!
10:41….great workouts all week!
3 mile run
k2e on floor
Subbed final set of jacks for .5 mile run
k2e on floor
mod sups
shoulders & feet are tired but i feel real good!
3 weeks DONE!!!
Newbie questions, I know things like running, jacks and high knees can be subbed for each other, but about how many for each? Pretty sure I can do the first 50 of jacks, not so sure about the 100 and especially 200 for a couple reasons but mostly the bladder isn't what it used to be after childbirth. I'll be soaked after 200, lol. How many meters of a run should I sub? Thanks for all the help and motivation, I'm determined to get today in and have my first week in the books!
Not sure about subs, I'm soaked after 50, just clean up later. . .
14:42 K2E on the floor
This was a good one! I have just completed my first full week of your WODs and I already feel faster and stronger in general. Thank you for your inspiring words and workouts!
So glad to have found your site as my introduction to crossfit – makes me feel like I'm in the Corps again!
K2E on floor as rx'd although rom slipped on last set
deadlifts 10# (it's all I have right now)
1st set csu as rx'd, then 10, then 5 for last two rounds
1st, 2nd, 3rd jj 50 and 75 for the last
Despite the fact I had to heavily modify I am rejoicing that I made it throught the week. Woot Woot!
At 50 + lbs. above the weight I should be it was the best I could do and avoid injury from bad form. Thank you so much for this inspirational site I am excited and scared to check for the WOD every morning!
14:49 b2e on the floor, which hurts my spine, need to get stronger to do it on the pullup bar! Sweet workout!
55# dl
k2e onthe bar..can actually see an improvement on these!
the jacks killed my feet!
80# deadlifts
Rest as rx'd
As rx'd
Good thing we don't start this no alcohol until after superbowl….
KTE on bar
70lb DL
Have a great weekend!
9:45, 20lb dead lift
13:31 with k2e on floor. Rest as rx'd. First time doing deadlifts with 40#. So excited to be getting stronger!
@missm23 – I have the same problem with jumping jacks and jumprope. After 5 kids, can't jump that much without issues. I've timed myself for 50 jacks and then run in place for multiples of that time for the other jacks. Hope that makes sense.
I might have to try the running in place thing, jumping is definitely not good. 🙂
Started by running 1 mile
Did my first round of knee to elbows on the bar. Did all 5 this is huge for me. Progress!!! The rest on the floor, and did 50lb. dead lift. Another great week!! Thanks
K2e on floor
14:22 k2e on the floor, the rest as rx'd. That's a lot of jumping jacks!
15:56 Have a great weekend!
I have a newbie question. I have a bulged disc in my lower back and I am afraid some of the bar lifts like the dead lift are going to make it worse or aggravate it. Any suggestions?
13:25 Ashley
13:50 Chris
As rx'd
52# deadlifts
17:20. Slow. Interruptions from my daughter. 36 lb dead lifts. Kte on floor.
19:06 – Day three and can't wait for next week. Feeling stronger and a greater determination not to quit! Thank you for this site!!
As rx'd, used 10lb dumbbells as that is all I've got. Have a good weekend!
14:35!!! The goal was to make it under 15 🙂
Subbed K2E for Plank K2E
12:16, 25lb deadlift, rest as rx'd
13 min – onlyh 16 lb deadlift so i did 15 each round
Sam- My suggestion is to not use more than 20 or 30 lbs on your deadlifts. Be really careful with your form and focus on your hips moving back on the lower and forward on the raise so you aren't using your back. I have an extremely bad back and have needed surgery for over 10 years but doing these exercises has improved my condition and strengthened my core so much that I haven't injured my back in almost a year.
15:55, k2e on the floor, 30lb kb deadlifts. Need to go dig the bar out of the garage.
This is the end of my first week. I might be feeling better already.
15:02 24ibs deadlifts, need to dig out husbands weights!
12:01. K2E on floor, 20lb deadlifts
12:20 but only had 20 lbs for the deadlifts.
15:45 floor k2e. Great workouts this week! I peed my pants a little, but totally worth it 🙂
I've been following your WODs for awhile and I love them! I really wanted to follow the 90 challenge but I'm nursing and have a very sensitive baby.
16:45 k2e on floor, 20# DL
Most of us who have birthed children have this same problem. I dont' let it hold me back. I make sure and COMPLETELY empty my bladder right before the WOD and even then, sometimes I have to stop my timer for a few seconds to go and empty it more between box jumps. That is just the way it is. Pee happens. Lol. I have found that the more jumping work I do, and the more I try to control during the jumping, the stronger my pelvic floor has gotten and the easier it has become to hold it.
The 7th Crow-
1. Go get a bar- removable ones at Target for $30. The type of work you can do on a bar cannot be replicated.
2. Until then, you can do KTE on the floor. There are demos on youtube.
MamaLacsamana- LOL! My thoughts excatly.
If you are wanting to join the challenge and do the Vi-shakes, they are great for nursing mothers and babies. They are lactose free, gluten free, non-GMO, isoflaven free, less than 1 g of sugar, 12 g of protein, fiber and prebiotics. You know what is best for your baby but as far as sensitivities, you might be just fine. You won't know until you try but the nutrients and protein are great for your milk supply and nutrition which is great for your baby. Email me if you need any help:
Did today's workout at the gym. First time in about 4 years! No timer but it was really close to 14 minutes. Did 45 lb deadlifts. And yes, the shorts were wet after all those jumping jacks. More jumping and it will get better.
Working out while your sick sucks! But I'm happy I made myself do it today
My knees to elbows were so much better than the other day! Of course 5 and 50 are a great deal different!
11:08 with 60 lb DL
DL with 15lb dumbbells in each hand.
K2E on floor
21:36. Those jacks were killer. Didn't think I'd finish the 200 at the end…time is still kinda slow…
And I knew giving up my wine was going to come up eventually!
Knees to Elbows on the floor.
14:57 knees to elbows on floor…. Thanks for another great week!!!!
10:05 without the k to e
Alright! 12:44. k2e on floor, only 20lb for deadlifts. Happy Friday lovely ladies
14:02 kte floor (need to get a bar) and 30 lbs total dumbbells on dl (need heavier weights).
14:07 plus bladder break
35# dead lift
K2e on floor
Jacks hurt bladder but struggled thru…
13:20 with 35 lb deadlifts, didn't have 40.
13:39 2 10 lb dumbbells, kte on floor
Floor k2e
20lb dl
10:44. As rx'd. KTE were actually to my elbows for the first time since starting CFM last July! I'm laughing since I thought I'd escape the leaky bladder because I only had c-sections. Nope!!! Happy Friday!
Ran 3 miles then 14:56. Knees to elbows on the floor
11:52, DL w/ 65#
10:26 k2e on floor
used 20lbs of dumbbells for dl
As rx'd with 55# deadlifts. Feeling great! Loving the workouts. Have a great weekend ladies!
Floor e2k, 20 lb dead lift due to nursing, crunches instead of cfsu (did triple the amount)
29:12 – The bottom of my feet kept cramping and I had to stop a LOT during the first two rounds. I finally took off my shoes and did the jumping jacks barefoot and it was SO much better!
I did the jumping jacks backwards (200, 150, 100, 50).
44# Deadlifts
Y'all have a great weekend!!
Compared to 11:47 a year ago. Knees all the way to elbows this time. Couldn't do that a year ago.
Those jacks were so BORING!!! It was so bad that I actually wished that I was running instead! Eeek!!
14:07 45# deadlifts, blister from all the jacks, next time taller socks so my shoes don't rub the side of my ankle 🙂
14:15 ran about 400 meters instead of doing the last 200 jumping jack. I didn't want to pee myself!!!
K2E on floor
50# dead lifts
k2e on floor, but I should have done them on the bar. I can't get my knees anywhere near my elbows, but i can do 5 knee to waists. I was rushing. 🙁
I might hate jumping jacks more than running. I love deadlifts for some reason, though. More of those!
13:25 as Rx'd
20:30 as RX'd Had to work through side ache on jacks (should have eaten before I worked out) oops
Haha Jenni! They were very boring weren't they!
I did it all….all CFSU, jumping jacks in 30reps short rest. Could do them nonstop, my thighs where burning. But Im so happy I finished, wasn't sure I'd make it.
Sorry to see that I have the slowest time logged…ughhhh
15:26 with a short potty break. Day 2 and feeling great!!! Thank you Crossfit Mamas.
17:47 as Rx'd
20:07 doing 200, 100, 50, 50 JJ, 20 DL w/ 20#, & 15 crunches/15 reverse crunches, & K2E on the floor. Those JJ really killed me! This is the first day I've had sweat pouring down my face. I had to take a potty break, too, & I haven't even had any kids! Guess I really need to work on my Kegels!
9:07, but I totally didn't do the last set because I wrote it down wrong when I went to the gym! Bummer! I did do some extra weights and sprint mile at the end.
55# deadlift
all K2E on bar this time!killer!
14:50. I used 45# for the deadlifts. I could have picked up my jumping jacks quicker but I had a good pace.
Thanks for a great Friday workout Jenni!
12 dead lifts each rnd because only have 35#
12:59 k2e on floor. Really need to get a bar.
12:10 with knees to stomach
2 mile run after WOD
K2e on floor
15lb dead lift
60 crunches
Gonna try to run 2m now
45lb bar deadlift
12:29 as rx'd
compared to 11:53 on 12.19.11 (20lbs)
13:19 Yea! Wanted this one in less than 14 and finally got it! As RX'd too! Funny how I am amazing at sit ups and K2E when there are few reps!
No alcohol I can do after this weekend (a wedding and the Super Bowl)!
30lb deadlifts
No wet pants! Yeah!!
30 LB DL
Gave KTE'S's decent effort & looking forward to getting stronger.
So Thankful for today's workout.
Sent copy of it to my 23 year old… He thinks I'm a stud! 😉
Tiffani-Thank you for the tip, I put it to use to modify my jacks!
Jenni-Great point! They've pretty much said I need the tie up deal, but need to be 100% sure I'm not going to have any more kids. I'm pretty sure, but scary to be so definite, lol. Thanks for the advice though! I did do more than I would have normally hoping to strengthen this as well. Then I alternated with run/walk when I couldn't stand myself anymore, lol 🙂
19 minutes and JUST COMPLETED MY FIRST WHOLE WEEK, WOOT!!! KTE on floor, BUT NO ANCHORING THE FEET. COULDN'T DO THAT JUST 2 DAYS AGO, LET ALONE MONDAY!!! DL w/ 20 lb (most I have), CFSU with feet anchored, 50 & 100 jacks, then 50 with run/walk, then 50-run/walk-50. YES!
17:44 had to slow down to explain to someone in the gym what i was doing…not making excuses or anything
17:44 had to slow down to explain to someone in the gym what i was doing…not making excuses or anything
12:35 – as rx'd.
K2E plank on the floor (5 each side)
17:44 vs 13:40 last time. Dang it.
14:00 k2e on floor.
10:12 – Had to switch jump ropes in the middle because my brother's one is too short apparently. Also did DL with 45#
19:35. Knees to elbows on the floor, but the rest as rx'd. I'm a day late, but it's done!
12:43 as rx'd
18.32 – First day finding this blog. A little slow but hoping to see progress soon!
12:14 kte on floor, other rx'd, pants are soaked 🙂
11:35 with 95lb deadlifts
14:48 with 62# deadlift. Whooohooo! Thank you!! Now off for my last night shift. Then a little break. 🙂
KTE leaning against chair
12:48 (crunches & knees to stomach) Can't wait until the day I actually get knees to elbows!
18.12…not great, but have been in bed sick the last few days, so will take it. Had to go to the bathroom before every set of jumping jacks, though. Man, kids do a number on the body. 😉
19:35. As Rx'd.
Completed sun at 14:13
29:43….um I think my timer is fast lol!
14:59 with a 45# bar for DL
first time doing real K2E…that was interesting!!
14:51…. How do I do KTE on the floor?
50lb deadlift
50lb deadlift
21:23 so many JJ! OUCH!
Completed 02-02-13: 11:42 FIRST WOD.
14:46 with modifications on knees to elbows and crunches instead of cfsu
11:31 still can't get knees to elbows, but 5 at a time let's me get closer than 20 at a time.
13:13 K2E's on the floor
17:20 K2Es on the floor
I turned off my timer to help my kid and forgot to turn it back on so I'm guessing around 13 or 14 minutes.
11:07 as rx'd
Pat – #65 DL (need to increase)
Maria -#45 DL – need to increase
Plank/floor K2Es.
36# dead lift.
Plank/floor K2Es.
36# dead lift.
18:32 a week ago.. 15.:45 today. Shaved off almost three minutes!
21:21 didn't have 40# weight only 10# kettle ball did 25 kettle ball dead lifts no be did 6 KTE on the floor and everything else as required
missed this workout when it was posted originally but finally did it – that last set of jj's were killer!