1. 8:16. I tortured myself first with a lower body lifting session, so the box jumps were tough! oh, and I did the "Kristi."

  2. Would you recommend a different exercise for abs if you have a diastasis? I've heard sit-ups can make your stomach bulge if you have diastasis. I've been trying to work on it, but since having my second baby 3 months ago, I haven't seen much progress. Guess it takes longer to bounce back after your second.

  3. 12:27 for Robin

    I HATE crossfit situps. They are soooo difficult.

  4. Carol:I have a "1 finger" diastisis as well and have not been doing the sit ups as Rxd. I have been doing a modified crunch technique that I found on you tube and I still get a good burn. Also helps to hold your muscles together with your hands or with a band of fabric while you are doing them:


    Hope this helps!! 🙂

  5. 9:11 for Kristi. Box jumps half on one stair, half on two stairs.

  6. Phew! So glad to be back, but boy was I scared when I saws box jumps today. Last time i did a work out, I had a major box jump wipe out and hurt myself pretty good, was trying out an 18" for the first time….I did 18" box steps today.
    I did Leah as RX'd except for the jumps…did step ups.
    8:16.2. I was happy with that!!
    This is Mary, b-day March 3. Under a new e-mail.
    Missed your workouts Jen! Thanks again!

  7. Kristi for a time of 14:52.
    The sit ups were killing me today. Now off to run a mile with my 8 year old daughter.

  8. Kristi, 11:59.0
    did box jumps half on two stairs, half on one.
    my ab muscles have separated from pregnancy, too (that's the diastasis, right?) and have never done any modifications for sit ups, should I?

  9. Northglenn mamas: "Leah"
    Lauren: 10:48
    Mindi: 7:27 "Kristi"
    Whitney: 7:40
    Shawntae: 7:20
    Katie: 11:30
    Courtney: 12:55

  10. I tried to talk myself out of working out today since it's my birthday but I'm so glad I didn't! It felt great! 8:56 Thank you!!

  11. Leah 7:14 as RX'ed except 20 lb kettlebell.

  12. Leah – 9:47.

    I took a few days off to fight a bad cold that wouldn't go away. It feels good to workout again.

    Thanks for the workout!! Turning 30 today and I'm in the best shape of my life.

  13. robin 6:24
    Box jumps on 2 stairs in my house
    My arms are weak so thrusters it is for today.
    Crossfit sit ups as well. They are harder but i like the burn!!

  14. "Leah" 9:03 20lbs kettlebell and half my steps were one foot at a time.

  15. Robin: 9:14 as RX'd.
    My legs were saying 'what the crap' to me today! Ran 10 miles last Saturday.

  16. 13:01 did the workout with the thrusters 🙂 -lisa

  17. 8:38 but I couldn't decide which one I wanted to do, so I did one round of 'em all!

    only change was jump squats since I didn't have anything to jump on today.

  18. kristi 8:23 with crossfit situps – they reallly slow me down but I feel the difference!
    also step ups for box jumps

  19. Faith, my 11 yr old did Leah.
    12" box jumps
    5# kettle bell
    20,20,30 cross-fit sit ups(she requested never to do them again..lol)

  20. 11:30 Leah. Used 20 barbell for kettle bell and found a large rock at the park to step up 🙂

  21. Brenna, my 10 yr old did leah too.
    12" box jumps
    4# kettle bell
    20,20,30 cross fit su.

  22. Did "Jenley" at 11:06 as rx'd except the box jump my husband made is only 13.5". I'll bump up to 18" eventually.

  23. Kirsten: Yes, that could be a diastisis. Here is a good video that helps you "self diagnose." I'd see your doctor or midwife though to be sure. If you do have one, sit ups can actually make it worse so there are other things to do to help close it on its own. I'm no expert, just been trying to get mine to close for about a month now (I just realized I had one almost 2 years after the birth of my son – wish I'd known about it sooner! Never heard of it before!!).
    Again, I'm no expert, just did a lot of research. I would talk to your doctor/midwife, or better yet a personal trainer or physical therapist that has experience with it to make sure you get proper help!

    Here is how to tell if you have one:


    Here are modified crunches, if you do have one:


    (Jenni – Not to impose, but do you think you could add the link to the diastisis video on the bottom in case some other Mommas have questions? It's been coming up a lot lately.)

    1. Yes, I have added a Crossfit sit-ups video and will post a modification video for all of the diastasis Mamas. Thanks for all your help answering questions!

  24. Leah 10:18

    First time doing a WOD. Had my appendix out 2 months ago and just starting to get back into a routine. What a way to start!!

    My name is Sommar and my b-day is 11/1. I live in Sacramento CA.

  25. "Leah": did 20 situps instead of 30 for each round because my rearend was worn raw last week doing situps at a CrossFit Box. Did it at the park while my girls played. 8:15. Used a 20" bench seat (step ups).

  26. Robin 9:30. Subbed 10 k2e for sit-ups. Hurt the old tush last time on the 100 sit-ups. Need to give it a break 🙂

  27. I found your blog on Pinterest….love it! This is my first WOD. My name is Kelli and my birthday is Jan 25.

    Leah 10:10.8

  28. Did Robin in 12:35. Thanks Running T for the crunches! I did those instead of sit-ups. My bday is 4-10. Hope I'm still going strong by then!

  29. Kristi
    Crossfit sit-ups (it is like starting from square 1 for your abs)

  30. I wanted alittle more volume, so I did this:

    3 rounds for time:
    10 squat cleans, 55lbs
    10 kb swings, 15lbs
    10 thrusters, 55lbs
    10 dead lifts, 55lbs
    20 box jumps
    30 sit-ups

    16:43 minutes.

  31. Didn't get to do my workout today, but I'm going to do it tomorrow! Thanks!! 🙂

  32. Leah 10:25….10# kettlebell..found a giant boulder near the house for box jumps..crossfit situps

  33. 6:51 For Robin.. Forgot to give you my details last week.. My name is Megan, my birthday is 5/19. I found you on pinterest and as of last week I've done every WOD. I LOVE your website.

  34. Today was my first workout! 8:19 for Kristi – BUT…
    I don't have a box or stairs (at work gym I do) so I just did squat jumps and I think I did traditional crossfit situps (someone correct me if I'm wrong) lets are butterflied out and you touch your hands to your feet and lay all the way back down. Should you take your arms back above your head to use them to help you up or no?

    Also, my birthday is this Wednesday! 🙂

  35. 11:10 – Kristi

    30# deadlifts
    step-ups for rounds 2 & 3
    20 crossfit situps per round

  36. 9:43 I did the Kirsti. Didn't have enough weight for the 40# deadlift so I did 30# but did them 20 times instead of 10. Also jumped over a 18in box and moved down to a 12in as I progressed. Box jumps are still such a mind game for me..I always think I am gonna miss it!

  37. Didn't think I was going to get to this tonight. Very busy, but wonderful day off from work spent with my DH and DS.

    My Dh wanted to work out before dinner, so that motivated me to get off my butt as well. 😉


    Sub – step ups (only a 8"step – couldn't go outside where I do my normal box jumps, too dark) and mod situps b/c of diastasis.

    Quick and fun!

  38. Well I was feeling a little ambitious today, so I did 3 out of 4 of the wods 🙂

    Robin – 5:26

    Jenley – 6:25

    Kristi – 5:48

    Whew! The only modification I made was to the box jumps, since I do not have somewhere safe to do them I did jump knee slaps! I will probably invest in a box though soon 🙂

  39. Happy Birthday Robin!!! 8:55!! Happy bday to Kristi, Leah, Jenley also!!!

  40. 7:49 Robin, single step jumps for box jumps and CrossFit situps which I love. So glad to be working out again after being sick! I don't think I've ever posted my name and birthday – Lorelei, 11/24. Found your blog on Pinterest! Also, I include these WODs/time/etc on my blog, and I always post a link to here 🙂

  41. I have such a hard time leaving a comment with my iPad!

    My name is Sam and I am very excited!

  42. This ones a goodie! Will do 2 after a swim tomorrow. NEEDED a rest day after 10 go hard days!! Can't wait. Good job ladies!!

  43. I was really slow today! I did The Jenley and it took me 18:27. I did my jumps on 2 stairs at home and for the 1st time did Crossfit situps. They definitely took me longer but could feel the burn! I had a rough week last week and went backwards a bit but today I'm refocusing and know I'll have a stellar week! Thanks for the help and motivation!

  44. "Robin"
    Katy-8:01 12/18

    Kelly-8:10 9/30

    This was both our first time doing any type of crossfit. Def. going to feel this!! 🙂


  45. Did "kristi" this am (Tuesday). Thanks for the bday wishes! I enjoyed a rest day yesterday!! 8:09

  46. Robin 7:10
    w/ box jump on one step & crunches instead of sit-ups because of tailbone injury 🙁

  47. I didn't quit! I had to rearrange my crossfit schedule so I'll be taking off Sunday and Monday's now.. So I'll be doing this workout tonight and Tuesday's on Wednesday etc.. Having a great time with these workouts!

  48. I modified this one to add more. I did 10 thrusters, 10 kettlebells, and 10 dead lifts along with the situps and box jumps. Awesome workout.


  49. We did "Kristi" this morning. Just under 8 minutes with 60# deadlifts. 🙂

  50. 7:43 for Leah. Did kettlebells with two x 8lb dumbbells. I missed working out… had the flu all weekend. 🙁

  51. Jenley 8:51 with knee slaps instead of box jumps.

    I'm 2 days behind.. will catch up this weekend!

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