1. UGH not feeling it today at all. My legs felt like they were lead. Biked since I don't run. Need to find a flat spot, with no traffic and no squirrels to dodge. Feeling pretty pathetic that runners can run this faster than I can bike it!
    I doubled the distance (crossfit forums said to do that when subbing biking for running)
    according to mapmyrun
    1.27 miles 7:18
    1.23 miles 5:41
    1.27 miles 5:42

  2. Ah this is my thing! Running! Now mind you I'm not very fast, but I do love to do it! I ran a total of 10 km in 1:03.31. Of course 6 mins of that was rest time. I did the 800 m runs after an 800 warm up. My times were
    5.14, 5.18 and 5.08. Not to bad for me. I think I'll try this again in a couple of weeks, to see my improvement.
    Good luck everyone~

  3. This is a great site if you need to map out a specific distance, http://geodistance.com/. You can type in the address, and the click around to make a route that fits your needs. Excited to run this evening!

  4. 13:51 total time for three rounds. They were all at an 8:52 min/mile pace. Pushed the girls in the double jogger for the run with about a one minute rest between rounds.

  5. Around 13:30 for the 3 rounds. Stopwatch messed up on the first one, so it's somewhat of a guess. Happy Friday everyone! 🙂

  6. 14:25. Now on to yesterday's WOD that I missed. Happy Friday everyone!

  7. It was somewhere around 20 minutes total.. I didnt have a stop watch I'm getting it today 🙂 day 1 for me I'm excited!!

  8. 22:15 . I biked 3 miles and rested 1 minute every 1600 meters. BTW my legs are soooo sore from Wednesdays WOD! I can not run distance due to injury few years back. Thanks so much for doing this.

  9. I used to do endurance running (half marthons) but I haven't since my son was born. Felt good to get back on a track, but it was hard! I'm out of running shape!!

    As Rxd:

    Round 1: 4:08
    Round 2: 4:58
    Round 3: 4:51
    Total: 13:57

    Eh…not great, but it's good to know I can get faster again!

  10. Today was my first Cross Fit Mamas work out! My time was 20 min 21 sec. I know it's a little on the slow side but I'll take it- and improve on it for next time! Here's to my first day of my goal to lose 30 pounds! 🙂

  11. 1- 4:20 (with 70 lb double jogger)
    2- 3:35 (no jogger)
    3- 3:48 (no jogger)

    I hate running.

    Compare to:
    11/2011- 5:38 average
    05/2012- 4:17 average
    09/2012- 4:01 average

  12. Time total (including rest time) 25:51. But I'm new to this so I did 6 rounds of 400m with 2 min rests.

  13. Time total (including rest time) 25:51. But I'm new to this so I did 6 rounds of 400m with 2 min rests.

  14. 18:56
    I've kindof quit running over last couple months except for what in the wods. And it showed :/ need to work harder I guess

  15. I wasn't able to keep track of my meters, but I ran 2.2 miles at a pace of 13'10" per mile

  16. ok, caught up today.

    Getting the hang of my new iphone running program, so my distances are a little off.
    5.00 (1013m)
    3.32 (750m)
    4.27 (750m)

    Total time: 16:59
    Not terrible, but I'm sure I can get better!

  17. I cheated a little, I didnt have anyone to watch the kids and no double stroller let alone a jogging stroller…anyway, I googled the average beginners time to run 800 meters and I did that 3 times. which equaled out to 12 minutes of total running time…It probably takes me longer to really run 800 meters but it got me off my bum and my heart pounding and I felt energized afterwards.

  18. 18:39, i have been away from running & fitness for awhile! Hoping these workouts help me get back in it!

  19. Posting late, but I did this WOD (my first one!) on Sunday Sept 9.

  20. 5:14
    ran it on the beach – sand definitely made it harder

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