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Monday 08.06.12

Tabata Something Else

Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds
of rest where
the first 8 intervals are back extensions, the second 8 are
push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8
intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.

Post total reps from all 32 intervals to comments.

Compare to 10.28.11


  1. 494 total: 122 back extension, 106 push ups, 136 sit ups, 130 squats

  2. 1st post ever: 72 back extensions, 64 push ups, 120 sit ups, and I modified my squats to wall squats for a time of 15.05. I also did a 2.5 mile jog as a warm up.

  3. 1st post ever: 72 back extensions, 64 push ups, 120 sit ups, and I modified my squats to wall squats for a time of 15.05. I also did a 2.5 mile jog as a warm up.

  4. OK, Jenni….why is this hard for me to figure out? (Monday brain?). Do I do all 8 of one exercise, then go on to the next? So all 8 sets of BE, then go to PU, etc….or do I do 1 set of BE, 1 set PU, etc then start over – almost like a circuit.

    Thanks. 😉

    1. First 8 sets are back extentions….then do 8 sets of push-ups, etc.

  5. BE 258
    PU 91
    SU 123
    SQ 210
    Total 682

    It's good to be back!

  6. 515
    BE 206
    PU 73 (girl) – I'm such a push-up wuss!
    SU 96 (couple sets of oblique sit-ups)
    SQ 140

  7. Total- 543
    BE 147
    PU 139 (girl)
    SU 119
    SQ 138

    Thanks, Jenni

    bday is April 6 🙂

  8. This is my first time so it wasn't too bad!
    Total 363
    BE 89
    PU 82 (modified)
    SU 74
    SQ 118
    For the sit ups do you do full blown sit ups or crunches? I did sit ups today!

    1. Hi Kimberly! Welcome!
      There are no crunches in Crossfit. We go all the way. 😉
      Good job!

  9. First time! Looking forward to doing this! Thanks for posting!
    BE: 105
    PU: 72 (25 reg, 47 modified)
    SU: 54
    SQ: 131

    Birthday is 4/28 🙂

  10. (Thanks for clarifying for me Jenni…I'm atotal flake today).

    I'm not in it today and I let my brain keep telling me that instead of using the workout to push out the negativity. 🙁 Could've done better…but it is what it is.

    5 min jump rope warm up (this I am getting much better at, so I have that to be proud of today).

    Back – 128
    Push (mod) – 60 (blah)
    Sit – 60 (2x blah)
    Squat – 75 (blah cubed)

    Still sweating and as always a good workout! 🙂

  11. BE- 279
    PU- 91
    SU- 124
    SQ- 162

    Score- 656

    Compare to 650 in October.

  12. B.E. 100
    P.U 59 (girly)
    S.U 102 (crunches)
    S.Q 103
    Total = 364

  13. back extensions: 99
    push ups (modified): 94
    sit ups (still working on these): 43
    squats: 149

    Total: 385

  14. 439 total!


    We did an 8 mile hike yesterday I'm spent! But pushed through!

  15. First Tabata workout ever!

    319 total
    PU-25 boy, 63 total

    ….and I feel like I'm going to throw up now…

  16. BE 174
    PU 72
    SU 88
    SQ 137

  17. Did WAY more 10-28 but I did full situps and was extra careful to do proper squats so I don't keep reinjuring my back. BE kill me!

  18. Been doing this a few weeks, but I'm finally posting…Love your blog!

    BE 131
    PU 91 (modified)
    SU 67
    SQ 126

  19. I didnt add all my rounds on BE—kept thinking it looked wrong!

    Total 440
    BE 165
    PU 75
    SU 88
    SQ 112

  20. First time ever. That kicked my butt!
    Birthday March 5

    BE 151
    PU 91
    SU 54
    SQ 116
    Total 412

  21. Thanks so much, Jenni, for keeping this blog. I've been "lurking" for a while, but this is my first time posting. Love this stuff!

    BE: 127
    PU: 79 (some girl)
    SU: 67
    SQ: 131
    TOTAL: 404

    1. Ha ha. I've been wondering how many creepers I have had this whole time. I am glad so many of you are finally posting!

  22. Great TABATA to finish after a little bit of run-technique training and sprints:

    BE: 156
    PU: 89 (only 7 of these were girly!)
    SU: 88
    SQ: 184

  23. I did this last night and could not keep track, that will take practice 🙂 but i completed all the sets!

    1. Amber-
      I keep a note pad and pen on the floor next to me and during my 10 second rests, I write down my reps. It keeps ne motivated to keep my next set of reps just as high! Plus, I am horrible at keeping track in my head.

  24. BE 190
    PU 116 (girl)
    SU 138
    SQ 142
    TOTAL 586

    Compared to 468 on 10.28.11. Go me!

  25. First time doing this!
    420 total!!
    BE 139
    Push upa 🙁 53
    Sit ups 106
    Squats 122
    Great workout. Thanks

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