
Friday 08.03.12


Complete as many rounds in 30 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
10 Push-ups
15 Back Extension
20 Sit-ups

Happy Birthday Amber!! 



  1. Almost 6 – timer chimed on the 6th back extension. Subbed running with box step ups and kb swings. no running – 3 knee reconstructions =)

  2. Battery died on my iPod after 25 minutes.
    But with 5 minutes remaining, I completed 7 rounds.
    Pushing a jogger in 96 degree heat. Half boy push-ups, half oblique sit-ups.
    Compare to 10 rounds back in October with no heat and no jogger!

  3. 9 but I substituted 2min of jump rope for the running.

  4. 7 rounds plus 400 meters
    Pushing my 4 and 2 year old (65 lbs) in the double jogger.

    My legs are so sore from Wed and Thurs WODs!

  5. 20 mins. 6 rounds. Starting marathon training tomorrow at 6 am so didn't go the full time

  6. Quick question–how soon did you start the workouts after having your last baby? I know I'm not ready to start yet (baby is just 8 days old), but was curious when you started. I'm going to start (slowly) using our elliptical tomorrow…


    1. Hi Katie!
      I gave myself the full 6 weeks off until I was cleared by my Dr. at the 6 week post partem check up. You can aggravate the bleeding if you start too soon. Just give yourself a break and fully recover. Enjoy it….you will have the rest of your life for daily butt kicking. 😉

  7. 7 and halfway through the 8th run. girl push-ups and crunches.

    Good way to end the week!

  8. Thanks for the happy B-day!!! I am just getting to it after a 3.5 mile run, hope I am not going to hurt to much!!!

  9. 6 full rounds… Boy pushups and rowing instead of running

  10. 6 rounds. No Back extension – was sore today when I woke up and didn't want to mess with it.
    More of a walk/run…95 degrees outside and pushing my son in a stroller so I tried to take it easy so I could just get through!

    Great workout! (As always)

  11. Looking to start CF at home, found your blog by chance,TY~ Hope you start posting a link on facebook when you post a blog.

  12. I stopped at 5 rounds, and had 14:14 left on the timer.

    I subbed butt lifts (can't run for another 6 weeks).
    girly push ups, and crunches instead of full sits ups.

    Definitely didn't push myself today, but it's better than nothing I suppose..

  13. OMG!! I am sooo excited to have found your blog! I was an avid crossfitter at a box here in Birmingham and recently had to stop from a pinched nerve in my shoulder. I can still do certain movements and your WODs include most of them!
    I can't wait to get started!

  14. 10 rounds as RX'd
    Had 1:07 left on the clock but I was spent.

  15. Thanks Jenni! Now that the husband is back to work and reality is setting in, a 6 week break is sounding pretty good 🙂

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