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Thursday 05.07.12

3 rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups

Compare to 03.16.12

*I have to apologize to all my Mamas, who count on me to post a daily WOD, for missing yesterday’s. Our family has been through a rough housing situation lately and we moved on Thurday. I schedule all of the weeks WODs on Sunday night to post for the week so I was fine until I got stood up 3 times on Saturday by the cable guy. I was able to get Monday and Tuesday scheduled at my parent’s house Sunday night but wasn’t able to get my cable hooked up until Tuesday and then….my mouse all of a sudden decided to die! Bought a new mouse, but in all the craziness with 4 kids and the last week of school…. just couldn’t do it in time. Feel free to do any WOD from the past (there are over 200 on this site) if I ever miss a post for whatever reason. But I do apologize for letting my Mamas down.


  1. 22:46
    First comparison wod! It's great I see that I have improved some 🙂

  2. 21:27
    Pushing a single jogger with 2 rugrats crammed in, in the rain! (think my husband feels guilty for not wanting to get up to watch the kids?!)

  3. You're awesome Jenni! Life happens and there were lots of WOD's to choose frome! Hope life gets a little less hectic soon for you and your family.

    22:23, compared to 26 min. last time! First comparison 🙂 Jodie your killing me! Your time is amazing.

  4. 19:33 compared to 21. We are in Idaho, so the elevation, wind, hills and pushing a double jogger that seemed like a parachute about did me in 🙂

  5. I only got through 2 times before it was time to take the kids to swim lessons. I did 2 rounds in 18:34…not very good, but it was my first crossfit workout since I was an athlete over 10 years ago. Wish me luck, I am going to stick with it.

  6. I know how you feel Tamber. I'm in the same boat. Keep it up, you're doing great.

  7. Jenni, many thanks for your dedication to this blog. I am grateful for your posts! Like someone else said, life happens… we're all big girls and are smart enough to figure out a workout from the 200+ posted.

    Pretty sure I jacked up the distance, may have been a tad short since I was running around our neighborhood. 21:47

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