Rounds | Uncategorized | WOD
Thursday 05.07.12
3 rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups
Compare to 03.16.12
*I have to apologize to all my Mamas, who count on me to post a daily WOD, for missing yesterday’s. Our family has been through a rough housing situation lately and we moved on Thurday. I schedule all of the weeks WODs on Sunday night to post for the week so I was fine until I got stood up 3 times on Saturday by the cable guy. I was able to get Monday and Tuesday scheduled at my parent’s house Sunday night but wasn’t able to get my cable hooked up until Tuesday and then….my mouse all of a sudden decided to die! Bought a new mouse, but in all the craziness with 4 kids and the last week of school…. just couldn’t do it in time. Feel free to do any WOD from the past (there are over 200 on this site) if I ever miss a post for whatever reason. But I do apologize for letting my Mamas down.
Compared to 20:54
First comparison wod! It's great I see that I have improved some 🙂
Pushing a single jogger with 2 rugrats crammed in, in the rain! (think my husband feels guilty for not wanting to get up to watch the kids?!)
Ps- half of my sit-ups were alternating side sit-ups to work my obliques
You're awesome Jenni! Life happens and there were lots of WOD's to choose frome! Hope life gets a little less hectic soon for you and your family.
22:23, compared to 26 min. last time! First comparison 🙂 Jodie your killing me! Your time is amazing.
21:31 wasn't feeling it today:(
Compare to 21:44
19:33 compared to 21. We are in Idaho, so the elevation, wind, hills and pushing a double jogger that seemed like a parachute about did me in 🙂
I only got through 2 times before it was time to take the kids to swim lessons. I did 2 rounds in 18:34…not very good, but it was my first crossfit workout since I was an athlete over 10 years ago. Wish me luck, I am going to stick with it.
I know how you feel Tamber. I'm in the same boat. Keep it up, you're doing great.
compared to 21:49
22:00 not too bad for me
Jenni, many thanks for your dedication to this blog. I am grateful for your posts! Like someone else said, life happens… we're all big girls and are smart enough to figure out a workout from the 200+ posted.
Pretty sure I jacked up the distance, may have been a tad short since I was running around our neighborhood. 21:47
22.57. I could have done faster I think
22.57. I could have done faster I think