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Friday 10.28.11

Tabata Something Else

Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds
of rest where the first 8 intervals are back extensions, the second 8 are
push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8
intervals are squats.
There is no rest between exercises.

Post total reps from all 32 intervals to comments.


  1. back ex 191
    push 78
    sit 103
    squat 167

    push ups were funny…first rep 19, last rep 6

  2. Back extensions (super hard since I've had a rib out for a couple days now) = 215
    Push-ups = 63
    Sit-ups = 86
    Squats = 129

  3. My back is killing me now! Just watched the video of your back extensions and realized i didn't do mine that way. I did mine on a bench.

  4. Be- 169, pushups- 86, crunches- 230, squats- 145, total: 630

  5. back=231

    Amber- when you use a bench, what do you use to hold your feet? And no more crunches! It would be better to do half as many real sit-ups than double with crunches. The more sit-ups you do, the easier they will get. 😉 (You too Jamie!)

    Good job Mamas!!

  6. I guess we were supposed to post our TOTAL reps from all 32 intervals…
    So my score is 650 reps total.
    That's crazy. 🙂

    Jodie- 539
    Britta- 493
    Amber- 438 w/crunches
    Morghan- 457
    Jamie- 630 w/crunches
    Heather- 452

  7. BE – 147
    Push ups -84
    Sit ups -93
    Squats – 144
    TOTAL – 468

  8. We have a back extension bench, it has a bar you put your legs under. It is higher than a regular bench too so you can bend all the way down.

    I can do the regular sit ups but I always get a sort of rug burn or rash on my tail bone from it. I don't know if I am doing them weird or if my butt is just a weird shape. I know, I'm just weird. 🙁

  9. Amber- your butt isn't weird. 😉
    In the military they call it the "Red Badge of Courage" when you get that ugly red bruise on your tailbone from sit-ups. I get it all the time. It just means we are tough. 😉

  10. back extensions: 99
    push ups (girl, working up to full ones): 99
    sit ups (still trying to get the hang of these): 43
    Squats: 149
    Total: 385

  11. back extensions: 99
    push ups (girl, working up to full ones): 94
    sit ups (still trying to get the hang of these): 43
    Squats: 149
    Total: 385

    listed push up count wrong the first time!

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